𝟟𝟙⏐the portkey and a weasley reunion

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"Can I read the next chapter?" Bill questioned his old Head of House, breaking the silence that had been ensured after a quick bathroom break. He figured this would be where Cordelia and her family had joined them for the cup and would rather read about his pesky siblings than someone else, plus if he was reading he could curb his mum's temper; because he was more used to it by now.

"Sure, here's the book Mr.Weasley," Professor McGonagall agreed, sending it to her former student and quite possibly her second favorite Weasley — of course, the others didn't know this.

"Thank you, Professor," Bill nodded in thanks, settling the book in his lap and cracking it open; smirking at the title of the chapter.

"I don't like that look on Bill's face," Ron whispered to his sister; who had moved to sit closer to him.

"Me either," Ginny nodded in agreement, glancing at her other siblings, she saw that they were also looking a bit concerned. Well —- she should mention that Fred and George were smirking at their brother and giving an identical looks. Maybe they know what's about to be read, Ginny thought, it wouldn't surprise her because the twins were smarter than they let on.

"Well, it's Bill so there's not too much to worry about," Cordelia pointed out to her pseudo-siblings with a smile. Bill was an original messer but he wouldn't do too much with this. 

"The Portkey and a Weasley Reunion," Bill read out, smirking at Cordelia who understood Bill's amazing mood. He was excited to read about her completely eating shit— after telling Hermione all about Portkeys. 

Cordelia glared at her godfather as he was happily humming around the house the next morning. Andromeda was ignoring him as she nursed her cup of coffee. Ted was also drinking a cup of coffee and Nymphadora was drinking a hot chocolate like Cordelia; who had woken up and demanded it. Neville; sensing a reason for this change — had cut her toast for her and had told her they could buy chocolate frogs later.

"Poor girl," Lily muttered, instantly knowing why her daughter had a change. Being a woman certainly sucked and Cordelia had only been experiencing it for about a year at that point if her math was correct.

"What was wrong with her?" James questioned his wife, looking quite confused. He knew Cordelia loved Hot Chocolate but the last chapter clearly showed she was a tea-in-the-morning girl.

"She has her period dumbass!" Regulus whispered to his cousin, muttering under his breath about James not knowing subtly or anything of that nature.

"O–Oh," James blushed, avoiding a glance at his daughter who was blissfully ignorant of the conversation as she was glancing at Bill and making faces.

"We need to be at the clearing by the Burrow in a half hour, did everyone give me their shrunken trunks?" Remus questioned the two younger children and Sirius. Sirius had to give his to Remus because he would be in his dog form; until they got into the security and wards of their tent; for all intense and purposes; he was Cordelia and Remus's pet that Remus got after the war. Surprisingly the Wizarding world had therapy dogs too.

"Therapy dogs exist in the Wizarding World?" Colin questioned with a small tilt of his head; reminding Cordelia of a puppy. Someone next to him started explaining the process since Cordelia seemed to be distracted by glancing at her shoes over something.

"What's wrong love?" Blaise questioned his girlfriend, hoping she wasn't upset over something.

"I just remembered I have no chocolate in my pocket today," Cordelia pouted, glancing at her boyfriend with big green eyes that made him want to coo and give her whatever she wanted. He felt like an idiot of a boyfriend because he had given her the last of his chocolate earlier.

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