𝟛𝟛⏐the polyjuice potion

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"So what's on the agenda today?" Cordelia asks as she walks into the main room of Godric's Quarters in Hogwarts. Her parents and godparents were sitting in the kitchen with breakfast and tea service laid out, of course, Sirius was nursing a cup of Coffee.

"Breakfast." Lily sternly states with a smile. Cordelia sheepishly chuckles and goes over to the seat sitting down next to Sirius. Lily starts making a plate for her with eggs, bacon, fried bread, and beans. "Anything else you want baby?" She practically coos at her daughter, happy for her to taste James' cooking.

"No Mum, that's perfect." Cordelia smiles, taking the plate and setting it on the table. James silently hands her the nutrient potion that she tried to avoid and she downs it, shuddering at the taste. She turns her attention to the food on her plate. Her eyes widen after the first bite and she lets out a tiny moan at how good the food is. "Who made this? This is incredible?"Cordelia questions, glancing at all the adults at the table.

"I did," James admits, scratching the back of his neck with a slight flush on his checks. "You like it?" He asks, looking at Cordelia hopefully.

"It's amazing Dad!" Cordelia praises as she starts to shovel food into her mouth making Remus tut and give her a look to slow down before anyone else can. "I've never had anything this good before."

"Your cooking is just as good pup." Sirius comments, speaking for the first time that morning after the coffee wakes him up. "Jamie, Lils; you'll have to try it!" Sirius gushes making Cordelia blush.

"What time did we need to meet in the Great Hall?" Remus asks, glancing at the clock which read 9 AM.

"10; Albus wants to get a chapter or two in before lunch then a straight read-through as far as we get." Lily scowls at the thought of the Headmaster; her and James were having a hard time supporting him and his decisions even if he apologized already. Cordelia understood aswell, someone she looked up to had made her life a game and it hurt alot, she couldn't trust him anymore.

"Anything exciting today Prongslet?" James questions, raising an eyebrow at her as she slightly pales, remembering what she did the rest of the year.

"Honestly you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Cordelia chuckles with a smile, making the whole family instantly lighten up at her jokes. "Mum, can you look over my potions' stuff before we go?" Cordelia asks, muttering an 'Accio' as she summons the papers.

"Of course sweetheart." Lily smiles, taking the papers from Cordelia's outstretched hand. "Why don't you go get ready while I look this over?" She suggests.

"Alright, please correct my homework if it's wrong! Professor Snape is very strict!" Cordelia shyly states before leaving the room, to the adults' amusement of calling Snape strict.


"Thank you all for getting here by 10," Albus announces as he stands by his normal podium while everything else was comfy chairs. "We are going to start with the twelfth chapter then try and get to the 16th by the end of the day." He informs everyone before glancing at the book chapter. "Why don't you read Miss Lovegood?" Albus questions, glancing at the small blonde.

"Of course sir!" Luna says as she summons the book, shocking those in the hall before turning to the page automatically. "Okay, here we go, The Polyjuice Potion."

"Still can't believe you went through with this," Severus mutters with n eyeroll, hoping that they didn't mess up the polyjuice too bad although if they fully pulled it off; he'd be secretly impressed.

"Relax Sev," Regulus states before turning back to the small blonde who reminds him of his bestfriend Pandora, he remembers her telling him that she'd name his daughter Luna.

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