𝟝𝟟⏐professor trewlawney's prediction

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"Hey Dad, Uncle Pads, Uncle Moony, can we talk before the next chapter reading?" Cordelia walked into the living room in their quarters the next morning, Lily was brewing something important with Severus, leaving Cordelia with her Dad and godparents, not that she was complaining.

"What's going on fawn?" James questioned, putting down one of the papers showing what he missed since he was... Gone...He was attempting to catch up on wizengamont laws and stuff but only so much was published.

"It's about this whole Hermoine thing," Cordelia sighed, taking a place on the couch with a huff. Sirius and Remus looked up from their couch where they were cuddling and Remus was reading a book quietly out loud, something they did alot and he put it aside. "I just, yesterday was a lot and I need someone's opinion that isn't mine," Cordelia stuttered out, wrapping the throw blanket around her for comfort.

"I agree that yesterday was alot, and we everyone sort of found out why you were upset but I had a feeling it went deeper, doesn't it?" James questioned, thinking that his daughter was more hurt than she let on.

"It does," Cordelia admitted after moments of silence, it was still odd for her to talk about her feelings. "Hermione encourages the boys and me to focus on school and to be 'good people' but then she gets jealous when I get good grades that are better than hers or gets angry when someone calls her out on being hypocritical,"

"It sounds like Hermione has some deep-rooted issues herself that she needs to work through," Remus stated, giving Cordelia a small smile to keep her calm. "She could have something going on she's not telling you, but it doesn't excuse or make her behavior okay," Remus firmly adds, knowing Cordelia tried to forgive, especially if someone was going through something.

"I know," She responded, glancing at them helplessly. "I just... hate fighting with my bestfriend," Cordelia frowned. "I know that out of everyone in our group I'm closest to Neville or even Ron over her but she still means a lot to me," Cordelia admits.

"Well, the important thing is to question why you are fighting and decide if it is worth it," James chimes in. He understands that some parents would probably encourage their child to let it go and forgive the friend, or even forget what happened, but James knew that sometimes it wasn't that simple and could lead to a negative impact on their child.

"We're fighting because she doesn't respect me, and she didn't fully own up to her issues and then she accused me of lying." Cordelia shortly stated, feeling herself getting upset again, it's not that she had the worst temper in the world but currently her temper had been off the rails because of the emotional strain of the readings.

"Well that is a valid reason, perhaps a couple of days of no communication will help with that?" Sirius suggests, causing everyone to glance at him. "Clearly Hermione has some other issues that she needs to work through and maybe she just needs some time to sort them, the chapter did reveal a lot that she didn't know and in turn things you didn't know," Sirius sounded very wise with his advice, causing everyone to raise an eyebrow. "What, I can give good advice sometimes," Sirius protested.

"Thanks, Uncle Siri, I think you are right," Cordelia ignored his second statement, just grateful for the advice. "Besides, I think these readings will help us heal slightly," Cordelia tries to optimistically state but it falls flat.

"Cub, just remember that friends fight and it may take time but you will make up for it," Remus adds his input, giving her a big smile.

"Yeah, we've gotten into our fair share of fights, true friends have a way of coming back to each other," James smiles at Sirius and Remus, happy to have the two of them in his life.

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