Part 12: A bit of Military, a little bit of industrialization.

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(A/N: Next chapter and done)

Third person POV

Somewhere in the Aurora capital, the capital of the former Kingdom of Urus before and now is now the main base of faction loyal to the royal family in the west.

At a huge palace that was guarded by many guards.

Inside one large room you can see a large amount of different papers and different Kemonomimi or elf walking around the room as.

They seem to be managing and communicating with many various military and government agencies in the loyalist faction's territory by using those familiar magic spheres.

Then an elf men ran out of the room after receiving some report from 2st Regiment Vieille Garde at Wimborne town to the messenger so that the messenger can transfer to the the king Wilhelm office.

Currently Wilhelm can be seen in his office while listening to his General's report.

"So what do you think we need to do next?" Wilhelm asked as he crossed his arms while look at Blücher with a blue waiting eyes.

While Blücher just nod and he said.

"Your Majesty. For now I think we need to defensively to strengthen our current forces as well as now we will need to not act until everything is ready." Blücher said.

That make Wilhelm ponder a bit when he heard about it.

Then he nodded and said.

"So how many time that have to wait before we will get ready?" Wilhelm said.

Wilhelm asked as he wait the answer from

"It will probably be a few months to a year until our forces are trained and our infrastructure, facilities are full and meet the requirements and capabilities." Blucher reply.

Currently, with the help of the system, Wilhelm was temporarily renovating the loyalists by all means.

From Military, Infrastructure even some government structure. But those are still need the time to build and stable to go into operation.

And Blücher and his summoned with the old butler only know about his ability and power from System.

"Then what abou-" Wilhelm about to said then a knock door appeared that make them look at the door.

"Come in" Wilhelm said.

As one Elf men come in with a rushed and exhausted expression from running but he then performs a royal ceremony before speaking.

"Your Majesty. We have news that send from 2st Regiment in Wimborne that you will want to see it."

He said that make Blücher attention when he hear about that.

"And what about?" Wilhelm asked as he waiting to answer.

The Elf then told Wilhelm how the 2nd Division had encountered Phinry Kriste's army on the first floor in the west, at the town of Wimborne, with the result being victorious.

With little loss of life and ammunition of the Regiment as well as they captured Phinry Kriste with many prisoners.

That means in technically they can be said is to be have a first victory for the loyalists Side in the Urus civil war.

"Huh those French are pretty good huh. What a terrifying but effective Force of the Napoleon Army..."

Wilhelm unsurprisingly said with Blücher too because they know about the difference in firepower, professionalism as well as equipment between the Regiment and the Phinry Kriste Force.

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