Part 3: The Urus military system.

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A/N: A next chapter have begin.
Third person POV

One years peaceful have been pass.

And Wilhelm is now 9 years old.

During that time nothing have changed too much om that time.

Wilhelm was just trying to improve his own skills, learn more about the new thing on that time.

And he have trying to learns more about the new thing like the structure of the government, the military of Urus with different countries, magic, history of technology.

Currently one can see a Wilhelm with a man dressed as a cleric is look like teach him.

"Your Highness, you must be aware that our national military system is different from the armies of other countries, right?"

The old elf said in a gentle tone as he looked at the young prince.

While Wilhelm is look at him then nodded and said.

"Yes Lehrer, I know about that."

"Hmm good so could you tell me what is the difference between the military system our country and other countries?"

The old tutor asked and he thinking a bit then he said.

"Our military system is different from the military system of other countries in terms of organization."

Wilhelm began to explain the difference in the Kingdom's military system.

In this world, it's still in the middle ages period so the structure of the government & military will be like the Feudalism.

With the highest class being the king and then the nobles, the high religious priest and because this world is have magic then the new highclass is a Magicians.

Those highest classes are loyal to their king or the royal family.

And they also have an obligation to provide taxes to the king / queen.

In return, they will have their fief and peasants, money, and special privileges of power and priority

The bottom class is the army, the servants who serve for their lords as if they will be ready to fight when their lord asks for.

Those soldiers are usually recruited from the nobles' territory so there will definitely be many variations and disparities in each region.

There would be well-equipped and well-trained forces in the rich nobles.

But there were armies of the small regions, mainly consisting of peasants with poor weaponsa and poor training.

But the strongest force is the knights, the knights riding horses equipped with thick armor and powerful weapons.

Chosen from nobles seeking glory for their own families.

AND This is also the most powerful military force of the entire feudal system when it have a role as shock troops to attack the enemy line.

And there will be a lot of differences in the quality of the soldiers, but it will be difficult to compare the strength of the various forces because each country has its own unique characteristics.

Also, because the number of soldiers in each country is different, it will be impossible to determine the total strength.

And next is the last class, the peasantry, the servants.

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