Part 8: Enthroned

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A/N: Next chapter of the story.

Third person POV

King Lucas and Queen Elena were assassinated in a carriage by a explosive that make by a black gunpowder.

When they are traveling on the West.

Then they fled from there immediately.

This incident cause many nobles in the west to revolt against the Kingdom of Urus.

And declare war on the royal family of Lüneburg and the kingdom of Urus.

Among those nobles, one of the most prominent was Baron von Leine, the ex-military leader of this country.

He is also a Duke of the lands that near the border.

Not only that, they also destroyed and imprisoned the forces and commanders of the Eastern region.

That still loyal to the Urus Kingdom and captured the Sir Joe.

The person that Wilhelm know and have met before.

Since then, the western region of Urus has become a complete chaos.

The news quickly spread and caused panic across the country.

The Civilan, the nobility, Soldiers and other classes were filled with fear of a new civil war.

Even worse when many soldiers deserted their ranks and joined the rebels.

Some of them were forced to join them by the threat of death.

While some of them have betrayed their comrades and sided with the rebels.

Many important military equipment and the forces of Kingdom in the east have now fallen into the hands of the insurgents in the west.

Or those who survived tried to resist or retreat to the east where the faction loyal to the Lüneburg royal family was.

To the people's dismay, the king had no heir for his throne.

So the question is who will succeed him?

A few days after that assassination.

Both east and west are divided, the magic communication is completely cut off, many Nobles and commoners loyal to the royal family were hunted down and evacuated eastward.

The military system is temporarily paralyzed, the nobles are falling into chaos when both the queen and king is dead.

Even more chaos that when they hear that their rival neighbor Orion Empire is moving troops with the permission of the rebels.

At the same time, many pirates seemed to smell the chaos going on in the Kingdom of Urus and began to raiding and looting the east and south coast.

Causing some economic and civil damage.

Meanwhile, in the palace of Lüneburg at the capital Aurora, many Nobles were gather here to witness the great event.

The Young Prince Wilhelm von Lüneburg was crowned king at the age of 11.

Now on the changed room, we can now be seen in that room is a a large room fully furnished with many different costumes.

And in there, many Demi-Human maids with cat, wolves ears, tails and some elf are preparing and dressing up to a young boy that about 11 years old.

It was Wilhelm, the who was preparing to become a next king of the Urus Kingdom.

After it's done he look at those maid.

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