"You're an animal!" Wendy laughed.

"I would like to be free like one!" I said to her, jumping around and watching my crazy hair bounce. It was too late to save now. Oh well, it contributed to my animalism!

We walked out to the garage, opened it, and walked to the back corner where my surfboard stood against the wall. It was turquoise blue with a dolphin on it. I put it under my arm and walked out, closing the garage door behind us. As Wendy and I walked to the shore, the sun shone down at us, being blocked by palm trees but still stinging our backs.

We soon got there to find Diego and Trey trying some tricks in the water. They made tripping in an ocean possible, the way they fell down over and over again. When they saw us, they met us on the shore.

"You look scary." Trey said to me, eyeing the sunscreen on my face.

"Don't start with me. I can diss you forever!" I warned him.

"Okay, you guys use that surfboard and Wendy and I will use this one." Diego seemed to order us.

"Yes sir!" I said to him, jokingly.

"I'm sure you suck at surfing!" Trey laughed.

"Hahaha! I don't even know how!" We made our way to the ocean, the cold water feeling amazing as it hit first my legs, then my waist. I climbed onto the surfboard, and Trey climbed on behind me. Slowly, we paddled to where the waves meet.

"How can you live so close to the ocean, and not know how to surf?" Trey asked me.

"I haven't lived here all my life, Trey. I want to learn though!"

"You should. At least you'd be good at something!"

"Heyyy! I have talents!"

"What are your talents?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Maybe something like this...!"
I pushed Trey off the board, sending him splashing into the light blue water. I laughed hysterically at my own sense of humor. It was funny, until Trey didn't come back up.

Why wasn't Trey coming up for air???

Suddenly, Trey burst through the water, yelling:
"Save me, save me!!"

Oh shit! This idiot can't swim?? Shock spread across my body. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"I couldn't lose my best friend!"Was the thought that flew through my mind over and over again.
I grabbed him around his waist as he flailed about, thrashing his arms around.

"Calm down!" I yelled at him. I tried pulling him to the board, but damn! He was heavy for such a lean guy! I used all my strength and finally got his head and arms to rest on the surfboard.

What the hell just happened.


Trey breathed heavily, his face lying on his arms,facing the other side. He slowly turned his head towards me. He looked me in the eye, and his lips curled to a smile inch by inch. His smile then turned into full blown laughter.


"You should've seen the look on your face!!" He laughed loudly.

Did he just trick me like that? And I thought he was serious!! What!


"You made me so scared, you...you....stupid....!!!

I yelled in frustration, not knowing what to say because I was too angry at this stupid boy who laughed at this "joke" which he thought was hilarious! I couldn't believe it.

He came closer to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. "Save me, save me!" He whimpered.

I couldn't help but crack up, and we both laughed, trying to get back onto the surfboard...but we kept on falling off and cracking up again.

Finally, we reached shore, where Diego had made a little campfire.

"We're having a barbecue!" He said, smiling that literally dazzling smile of his.

"Great! I'm so, so hungry!" I said, relieved that I was going to get some food put into my stomach.

I sat on one of the logs that were placed around the fire, and Trey sat next to me.

"I can't believe you played such a mean joke on me!" I told him, replaying the event in my mind.

"I'm sorry, it was just too funny!" He laughed.

"But it seemed so real! Ha...your a good actor!"

"No, your just gullible! " He laughed again, his smile showing broadly as he laughed.

The glow of the fire shone on us - the sun sets early here.

"The funniest thing was that you thought you'd seem cool by saying that and then pushing me off!" Trey laughed.

"I know! I suck!"

Trey smiled.

"Yes, you do."

"Tell me you won't play another trick or joke with me like that?" I asked him.

"I can't promise. But you just have to learn to be less gullible. Don't believe people so easy." He warned, a serious expression on his face.

"I'll try, but you should stop. Your jokes are mean and scary."

"You have no idea." Trey looked into the fire.

"But really, what are you're talents? You've been like my other half for so long and I know you well, but I don't know what you do best. You know, besides cracking me up with your reactions and facial expressions." He smiled, and his eyes seemed to smile too.

I giggled. "Well, I actually love to paint." I confessed.

"Are you good at it?" He asked, looking amused.

"Yes, people normally love the things their good at."

"True...but sometimes for the wrong reasons..."

"What are you guys doing? Telling depressing life stories or something??"
Diego asked us. He clapped his hands. "Let's eat!

Wendy eyed me, smirking as she did so. Uh oh.

We all ate like pigs. I was so stuffed. The stars twinkled, and seemed like the only lights here.

That was, until...a car pulled up near my house, a block away from where we were "camping".

"My moms here!" Trey said.

"You mean you're not staying for the whole weekend?" I asked, my heart suddenly beating faster.

"No...I have a family gathering I have to go to.." He said sadly.

Trey said his goodbyes to Wendy and Diego, and I told him I'd walk him to the car.

As we walked, I felt weird. I felt different.

We walked off shore, and were surrounded by the palm trees in front of my house.

Trey faced me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, holding me tightly. Warmness spread through my whole body as if I was being heated from the inside.
Why did this feel so good? Why did this feel so perfect? My confusing thoughts melted away as I melted into his arms...

I opened my eyes.

Trey had gone, and I found my arms wrapped around my body, trying to keep the warmness in.

The whole time he held me, my mind kept screaming "Don't let go..."

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