28. December Funtime

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Soon Spider-man and Spider-Blizzard were both sitting on the ledge of a rooftop of an apartment building, overlooking the city. Christmas lights lined the rooftops and balconies and trees and walls in general, but they weren't the only source of light. City-J was as busy as ever, with building lights and traffic lights and car lights on everywhere. Stars were starting to come out, and the snow was still following. Below, the city was a hustle of bustling activity.

Fubuki held out her hand, catching miniature snowflakes as they fell and melted in her palm. "It's really coming down," she remarked.

"Yeah." Spider-man shivered. "It's really quite beautiful."

She paused, turning to look at him. "Are you cold?" she asked.

"A little bit, yeah," he admitted in embarrassment. He rubbed his arms.

Fubuki smiled. "Oh, so the great Spider-man is cold, huh? But he's too tough to admit it."

"What? No! I just did," he exclaimed, his teeth chattering.

She laughed. "Do you want my coat?"

"No, you need it more than I do after all."

Fubuki paused, silent for a while.

He turned to look at her in concern. "Fubuki...?"

"I just came up with an idea," she finally said. "Wait here." Then she disappeared from the building.

Spider-man was left stranded on a rooftop, shivering slightly with the moon and the stars. Ten minutes passed and he began feeling lonely and achingly cold when suddenly Fubuki reappeared.

"Sorry about the wait," she announced, holding something up. "I honestly had no idea what size a, well, y'know, a friendly neighborhood Spider-man is supposed to wear, so I just got a random one. Size medium." She smirked.

He stared at her for a long time, trying to comprehend her words. "...You... What?"

She snorted impatiently, thrusting the item toward him. "Just take it. Try it on."

He was still trying to recover from his disbelief, struggling to come to terms with the idea. "You...went and bought me clothing?"

"Yes, I would like to consider it as an early Christmas present. Now try it on already!" she exclaimed.

Spider-man felt awkward and exposed as he pulled the clothes out of the bag and began slipping them on. When he was finished, he turned to stare at her. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Fubuki grinned. "Look, it's perfect! It totally matches your complexion."

"Oh sure," he grumbled, "This incredibly gaudy sweater I have received happens to 'match my complexion'. That's not insulting at all." He glanced down. He was exaggerating his unhappiness. All in all, it wasn't a bad sweater. It was black, of course, with green trees and blue lakes and blue flecks and 3D elements to it (like fluffy snow). There were large bells attached too, which jingled whenever he moved. Not very Spider-man like per say, but very Christmas-y. He liked it. Plus, it's a gift from Fubuki. He blushed. Of course he likes it.

"Hey, don't you dare complain. Ugly Christmas sweaters are a holiday classic." She paused, snickering. "This is literally the only season they're in season, so you really should cherish it."

"Oh, is that so? In that case, we should get you one too." He smirked back, "Now come on; we have a sweater to buy!" He paused. "Well, sadly, you'll have to buy. I'm kind of currently low on money."

She rolled her eyes as she snorted. "Figures. Were you that helpless when it came to getting money?"

"Hey, I grew up in the streets my entire life. I don't have access to money most of the time, and my jobs back then were paying me very low." he responded with a smile, trying to keep up.

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