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This story uses the gamecube orientation of Twilight Princess. For an example this means Midna's right eye is visible from behind her fused shadow and when Link is in his Ordon clothes he has a green sleeve on his left arm and he is left handed

This was originally posted on FanFiction, and I am new to this side. Sorry if I mess something up.

Looking back at the old chapters as I upload them hurts me. They definitely need to be redone but I don't have time for that right now.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess or any content made by Nintendo

I really enjoy reading the comments, so don't hesitate to leave one!

Warning! This story has some graphic injuries throughout it, but I'm really not sure if they are bad enough to rate the book mature, so here is your warning.

My name is Link

That was the first thought in his mind as he awoke

My name is Link, My name is Link, My name is Link.

My name is Link?

Wait, where the hell am I? Who the hell am I? Oh, right... I'm Link. But where the hell am I?!

Next, he was aware of pain. His entire body felt beaten beyond recovery. He was sure even if he knew what he looked like, he wouldn't recognize himself through the damage.

Oh for the love of-, I'm dying. And I still don't know where the hell I am!

He forced his eyes open and immediately regretted it as he was blinded by a bright light. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to push away the stinging sensation in them, which wasn't hard as his attention was pulled to the agony the rest of his body was in.


Well this sucks

He knew he had to do something, or he was going to die in this... place, he still didn't know where the hell he was, so he opened his eyes and forced them to stay open. After a few seconds, he could see a blue sky above him with clouds floating peacefully through it. Deciding to look around, he turned his head to the right and saw a large tree with what seemed to be a house attached to it and a ladder leading up to its door.

A house! Houses have people in them! Maybe someone inside could help me!

He tried to get up, but his body would not obey his commands.

Dammit! I can't move! Can I speak? Maybe I can yell for help!

"hey" he moaned.


"Hey! Is someone in there?! I need help!"


No answer


Ok, right isn't helping, what's to my left?

He painstakingly rotated his head to the other side and saw a path leading down to a village. He tried yelling down to it, but he could not raise his voice high enough to attract any attention

I have to get up. I have to get up, or I will die in this place that I still don't know.

"Come on..." He grumbled to himself, "Come on, you useless piece of shit! Get up!" His upper body slowly moved upwards, screaming at him to stop and allow it to rest. "Stop whining!" His pain finally won out, and he collapsed back down to the ground... and banged his head on the floor. "AAGH!" his head was spinning like crazy, and he didn't know which way was up or down. "Dammit!" he grumbled to himself.

You know, I just realized I'm swearing like crazy. Oh, why does that matter! It doesn't! I am going to freaking die! And I am thinking about how much I'm cursing?!

"I AM getting up! And you will not stop me, gravity! You no-good useless piece of shit! I will kick you in the balls if you get me killed without telling me WHERE THE HELL I AM!" All his cursing seemed to give him the energy he needed to slowly pull himself to his feet. "Finally!" he began to make his way down the pathway, and tripped.

"Oh shit"

"CRAP! OW! AGH! DAMMIT! SON OF A! GAH!" he firmly planted his face in the dirt at the bottom of the hill he just fell down and did not move. His head was spinning, his ears were ringing, and he couldn't move or speak, his body had entirely given up, and no matter how much he willed himself to his feet one more time, his limbs didn't even flinch. He could barely make out a scream from somewhere nearby and hear parts of a sentence "By the .... esses! ...lp! He... eeding!" he could not tell who was saying this, how far away they were, or what they were saying, his mind began to fog as his senses disappeared one by one before darkness enveloped him.

Born a Weapon: Twilight PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now