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The cool salty night sea air blew through my white hair and I shivered

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The cool salty night sea air blew through my white hair and I shivered. I had just turned my back on my best friend and not said goodbye to my best friend Tlaca.
And she hadn't even visited me secretly.

If her mother had forbidden her to have contact with me, she would still have had to visit me secretly. After all, we were best friends! Or rather, that's what I assumed! That had hit me.

But I shouldn't think so much about them or my family any more. I had a mission now. I had to find out if the prophecy could be taken seriously and if there really was some kind of darkness following me. After all, I didn't think much of dying.

"Stop dreaming, heartbreaker." I was abruptly pulled out of my train of thought when the pirate spoke harshly to me. "I'm not dreaming," I replied and she just shook her head. We rowed on into the dark sea while I kept my eyes peeled for a big ship.

"When will we finally reach the ship?" I asked and the pirate laughed.

"We're there."

I looked around, but I couldn't see any ship. "Where is it?" I asked, puzzled. Far and wide I couldn't see any ship.

"Don't be so impatient, landlubber," the pirate said and stood up. The little boat wobbled and instinctively I held on to the rough wooden edges of the boat so as not to lose my balance.

The pirate held her hand in the water and muttered something I couldn't understand. The water began to glow slightly at her fingertips and small sparkling drops of water splashed through the air. Starting from her fingers, larger and larger waves formed, causing the boat to sway slightly. The waves came in faster and faster intervals and the boat swayed more and more.

"We're going to tip over!", I cried out loudly in fear and held on tightly as best I could. "Don't be scared landlubber!"

A loud creak sounded and a huge log shot out of the water next to me. I flinched, startled. The creaking grew louder and louder and the pirate only grinned when she saw my frightened expression. Before I knew it, the boat was no longer on the water but on a wooden surface. I was on a huge ship.

The ship had three masts, the middle one was bigger than the other two. Three snow-white sails were attached to the masts, which swayed slightly back and forth.

"Come aboard landlubber, welcome to my ship."

The pirate stepped out of our small boat onto the wooden package, at the same time a door opened in the back of the ship and several people ran towards us with joyful expressions on their faces. I also got out of the small boat and stood next to the pirate.

The other people I didn't know lined up in front of us and saluted, "We've been expecting you Captain! Welcome back!"

The pirate next to me laughed. So she was not a normal pirate but a genuine pirate captain.

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