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The next day came rolling by. It is early in the morning. Dave randomly woke up.

But noticing Kurt is nowhere to be seen. He sits up in the bed. "Kurt?" Dave called. But heard soft footsteps approaching the bedroom.

Kurt came in. Rubbing his eyes as peaked up at Dave. "Sorry. I went out for a smoke." He croaked in reply. Sounding tired, yet sober.

"Oh, it's alright..c'mere." Dave mumbled as he pats the bed. Kurt did as asked. He went over to the bed.

Sitting onto it. Dave sits beside him. Looking at Kurt with love in his eyes. But he didn't want to confess to the waken man.

Not yet.

He folded his hands as he cleared his throat. "Kurt..about last night," Dave spoke up.

Kurt looked over. His cerulean eyes looked much more lively than last night. "Hm..?"

"About, uh.." Dave trailed. Scratching his head. "About what you said..how life changed when I moved away..? What did you mean?" He asked.

Kurt sighed. Looking down at Dave's bedroom floor. He tucked up his knees. "My parents went through a divorce."

Dave felt a frown crept up on his lips. "Oh Kurt.." he began.

but Kurt continued. "It's whatever. I was living back and forward throughout my teenage years..and then mom lost it. She kicked me out. I was homeless. Doing drugs on the street. Any drug I can get. I did. Then, I met Krist and Chad..he was the ex drummer. Uh," Kurt fidgeted with his thumbs.

Dave sets a hand onto Kurt's back. "And then I came up and joined your band..and here we are." He muttered.

Kurt nodded his head slowly. Avoiding eye contact with Dave. "The drugs help me man.."

Dave shakes his head. "The lighter ones, I understand..but you shouldn't be getting into heroin. Have you've done anything else heavy?" He asks.

Kurt scratched the back of his head. "Cocaine. Molly..and magic shrooms. In fact, during one of our performances I was tripping on those shrooms." He bittersweetly announced.

Dave pulled Kurt into a hug. "Well I don't want to see you like that.. don't get me wrong,I've done acid before. But you really don't want to get addicted to this shit. It can kill you, Kurt." He informed with worry.

Kurt returned the hug. "Look at us..as kids we were playing with damn flowers..now we're smoking a damn one." He spat, referring to marijuana.

Dave couldn't help but snicker at this. The joke lightened up the mood. The two separated from the hug.

Breaking out into fits of laughter. Kurt lays on his back. Covering his smile as he laughs. His laugh soft and gentle.

Dave laughed along but stopped once he noticed Kurt hid his smile.

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