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A few days have gone by. Currently it is Monday morning. Kurt gets up from his bed.

He opened his curtain but froze. Seeing a moving truck parked in Dave's front road.

Furrowing his blond eyebrows, he quickly got himself dressed and ran down the stairs.

Seeing his father, reading a newspaper and his mother watching TV. Wendy's eyes looked over once her son has entered the room.

"Hi, sweetheart." Wendy greeted. Kurt waved a little before walking to the front door. "I'll be outside."

"No you ain't." Kurt's father, Donald spoke up. Tossing the newspaper down on the coffee table.

Kurt felt himself startled once his father spoke up. He turned his head. "But Dad!" He exclaimed.

Donald raised his voice. "No! You're sitting right here!" He emphasized, pointing to the floor.

Wendy cleared her throat. "Donald, hon, let Kurt say goodbye to Dave." Kurt froze once he heard those words.

"What..?" Kurt whimpered softly. Wendy gets up and placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder.

"Dave didn't tell you? His mother came by a few weeks ago for us to have a coffee and a chat. She told me that they're moving away." Wendy explained.

Kurt felt his face go pale. His heart beginning to ache as he opened the front door.

Running out with it slamming behind him, Donald was about to shout but Wendy stopped him.

"Enough." Wendy sternly spoke towards her husband. "Let the boys have a good day. It's their last."

But Donald didn't reply. He just picked up his newspaper and began to read it again. Ignoring his wife.

Meanwhile with Kurt,

Kurt ran across the street. Seeing Dave carrying a box in his hands and putting it in the truck.

"Dave?!" Kurt called out. Dave looked over and realized. Walking over to the blond headed child.

"Oh, hi." Dave greeted, his voice sounded sad. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows. "Whats going on..?" He asks.

In the background, Dave's parents are packing the moving truck now. Dave lightly holds Kurt's wrist and tugged him lightly to the yard.

The two sit in the lush green grass.

"I have to move away." Dave spoke out the truth. Kurt felt tears sting in his eyes. "You didn't tell me..!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't think it was super important!" Dave defended himself. Kurt scoffed. "What?! It is!"

The brown headed child sighed. Dave tucked his knees up and placed his chin on them.

"Okay, it is.. I'm sorry Kurt. But momma says so. I couldn't say no. I tried to say no, but momma says we have to. New beginning." Dave explained. Tears rising in his eyes.

Kurt felt a tear roll down his face. "But you're my only friend." The child mumbled.

Dave huffed. "Look, Kurt. I'm sorry! We are friends but I have to go."

"Dave! Honey! We have to go! Everything is ready!" Dave's mother called.

Kurt bit his quivering lip. Watching how Dave stood up. "I have to go now, I'm sorry." He apologized again.

"Can I have a hug..? Before you go..?" Kurt whimpered out. Dave nodded and brought his childhood best friend into a hug.

Kurt held his tears in. Hugging Dave tightly back in return.

"Im Back" - KaveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora