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Donald raised his hand and whacked the back of Kurt's head. Kurt winced and stared down at the ground. His jaw clenched.

"I wasn't giving her any 'tude!" Kurt exclaimed as he lifted his head. But Donald soon after this, slapped his son's face.

Kurt turned his head from the impact. It was a loud smacking sound. Even Wendy and Kim heard from the other room.

"Go upstairs!" Donald bellowed Pointing a finger up the stairs. Kurt felt tears sting in his eyes.

He ran himself up the stairs. Slamming his bedroom door once he makes it inside.

"I can't believe that kid!" Donald exclaimed as he went into the living room. Dinner was a wreck.

He sits himself in his brown chair in the living room. Picking up his newspaper and opening the pages.

Wendy didn't reply. She simply kissed Kim's head. Hearing the door knock. She went over to reveal grandma.

Kim gasped happily. "Hi!" She says with a large grin. Running herself to where her packed backpack is.

She puts it over her shoulders. Giving her mother and father both kisses.

Donald called. "Kurt! Say goodbye to your sister!" He called from the bottom of the steps.

Kurt in his room is currently crying. He sits up and wiped his eyes. He nodded to himself before he left his room.

He walked down the stairs. His eyes red and puffy. His grandma held her arms out. "Oh, hon..come give grandma a hug."

Kurt huffed and faked a smile. He went over and hugged his grandma. "Hi." He replied.

"Your sis will be safe with me." His grandma reassured. "She will be loving it there."

Kurt nodded as the hug is separated. Kim went over and hugged her brother. "I love you! Bye!"

Kurt smiled at his little sister. "I love you." He replied. Watching his little sister leave with his grandmother.

The frontdoor closing behind them once they left.

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