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The two reached the location of Dave's home. Krist halted the car. "Here you go, get him in easy."

Dave nodded. "Hey, careful." The drummer mumbled as Kurt wobbled himself out of the car.

The two bandmates get out of the car. Kurt grunted as he wobbled and bumped himself into Dave.

"Oh sorry..!" Kurt whined out. Laying his head on Dave's shoulder. Dave wrapped an arm around Kurt. Looking at him with love and worry.

"Hey, it's alright Kurt. We'll get you in." Dave explained. But Krist rolled down his window.

Dave went over. Letting go of Kurt. "Stay there hon, I'll help you in. One sec." The brunet informed the frontman.

Kurt nodded. Slightly leaning down with his hands on his knees. Panting softly as he blinked his cerulean eyes.

Krist cleared his throat once Dave reached towards the front window. Keeping his voice low, he says - "Call me if you find anything odd."

Dave nodded. Krist rolled up the car window and then drove off.

The drummer went quiet as he wrapped his arm back around Kurt. "Let's get you inside."

The two enter the house. Dave lightly shuts the frontdoor once they entered.
Kurt groaned as he kept his body leant against Dave.

"Davey..?" Kurt whimpered. "Yeah?" Dave replied. "I'm sorry.." Kurt apologized.

The drummer shakes his head. Helping Kurt get up the stairs. "Oh no need to apologize, hon. Let's get into bed.."

But Kurt suddenly gagged. Covering his mouth. "Do you need to vomit?" Dave asks. Kurt nods his head in a panic.

Dave quickly rushed Kurt up stairs to the bathroom now. In a panic, Kurt crawled himself to the toilet.

The toilet lid is already lifted up. Kurt tucked his face down as he puked inside of it.

The drummer held Kurt's blond hair back. Watching Kurt with worry in his eyes.

"I don't understand..you were just fine until you went to the bathroom after the performance.  What did you do?" Dave asks.

But Kurt didn't reply. He just continued to vomit into the toilet. Heaving out heavy breaths before coughing out the rest of the contents.

Once he finished, Kurt lifted his head and panted. Laying his head onto Dave's chest.

"Mm..I need to sleep." Kurt mumbled. Dave understands this. Especially realizing how sick Kurt is being.

"Alright, well let's get you into bed.. you should switch into PJs first." Dave softly informed.

Kurt nodded. "I can do it, myself..thanks Dave though. I'll see you in the morning. Okay?" He explained, feeling himself sober up slowly.

"Oh, well alright..hon." Dave replied. Kurt suddenly felt something warm in his chest.

Dave felt the same feeling. Warm and fuzzy inside. The two look at each other.

They both smiled at each other. Dave cleared his throat. "C'mon, bed." He commanded softly.

Kurt felt his cheeks warm up with blush. He nodded his head. Getting up. He felt much better after he vomited.

Walking himself out, and down the hallway. Dave watched Kurt go. A smile rising up on Dave's face.

Kurt entered his bedroom and shuts the door softly. He changed into his PJs rather quickly and then crawled himself into the bed.

Falling asleep.

"Im Back" - KaveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora