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"Kurt.." Krist began.

Kurt crossed his arms. "I can't fucking believe this!" He shouts as he held his tears back. "We lost our drummer!"

"Hey, hey. We'll find another. Just like Chad said." Krist comforted but Kurt wasn't having it.

Rolling his blue eyes, Kurt went back into the kitchen. Krist followed his friend into the room.

"Kurt, we just have to accept that." Krist added, as he watched Kurt taking out a bottle of booze.

"Whatever." Kurt replied. Obviously going through a mood swing as he huffed.

Krist realized that Kurt was going through a bad mood. He gave a sympathizing smile as he went back into the living room.

Deciding to give Kurt some space.

Kurt sits himself at the kitchen table. Drinking the alcoholic burning liquid down.

While Krist is watching a movie in the other room.

Kurt sets the half empty bottle of alcohol down. He gets up. Running a hand through his long blond hair as he sighed.

He entered the living room. Glancing at Krist for a moment before going upstairs.

Walking himself into the bathroom. Kurt shuts the door. His blue eyes caught looking in his reflection.

Seeing how stressed he really is. He sighed and shakes his head. He needed a change.

Opening the little cabinet. He takes out a shaving razor, shaving cream, and a pair of scissors.

Slamming it close.

Kurt firstly picked up the scissors. Using his other hand as he grasps his long shoulder-length hair.

He started to snip it off. Tears rolling down Kurt's face as he makes the ragged cuts.

Peices of his hair started to fall to the ground. Then, he proceeded to even it up and cut the back and other side.

His hair is now the length to his ears. Somewhat long but not as long as it was.

Setting the scissors down. He picked up the razor and shaving cream. Then, he proceeded to shave his face.

Completely clean and shaven after about thirty minutes, since Kurt did it very slowly and cautiously.

Once he is finished. He washed his face with cold water. Sighing softly as he calmed his tears.

Picking up a little white towel, he dried his face. Lifting his head slowly. He looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Tossing the towel down on the bathrooms counter. He stepped back to look at himself.

Checking out his new hair cut, he scoffed. "Good enough." He grumbled before leaving the bathroom.

Shutting the light off.

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