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They arrived at Dave's house.

The long haired darker haired brunet opened the front door. Allowing Kurt inside of the home.

Kurt walked in. Looking around and admiring the decor. "Wow.. you have a nice place here."

"Thanks, Kurt." Dave replied with a grin. "Would you like a cigarette?" He offered, holding the pack and lighter out to him.

Kurt eagerly nodded his head. "Oh please. I've been craving one of these for awhile.."

Dave chuckled softly. "Ah, you smoke these to?" He asks. Kurt nods. Taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

Kurt sits himself on the couch. Feeling himself getting all cozy as he takes a puff.

He exhaled the white cloud of smoke into the house. Dave snickered. "I bet you do marijuana, too huh?" The brunet asks.

Kurt nodded his head. "Yeah I do..didn't know you did these drugs." He admitted, making Dave smile.

"Well it's been awhile since we seen each other, Hon." Dave replied. The nickname slipped out so easily. But it felt, nice to say.

Kurt shyly giggled. Handing Dave the cigarette. "Can I use your landline? Here."

Dave nodded. Taking the cigarette as he sits on the couch. Flicking the TV on. "Sure, Kurt. Just hurry and get back over here when you're done. It's in the kitchen."

Kurt felt himself smile. He nodded his head happily. "Okay, okay." He softly replied. Getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, he picked up the phone. Dialing Krist's phone number into it.

It rang for a few moments before it was answered.

"Hello?" Krist's voice spoke into the phone. His voice sounded confused and tired.

"Hey, Krist. It's Kurt." Kurt replied into the phone. "Where are you?" Krist's asks.

Kurt cleared his throat. He needed to explain the situation. "Well, let me explain."

"Well, alright." Krist replied.

"I was at the bridge. Because I needed some fresh air. And it so happens that I ran into my childhood best friend! He says I can move in with him! I know this is so fast..but I haven't seen him since I was a little kid..I hope you understand.." Kurt explained.

"Oh, no! I completely understand, Kurt! Maybe I can meet him?" Krist asks.

Kurt thinks this an excellent idea. He nodded as he spoke into the phone. "Yeah, I'll bring it up to him and we can meet up."

"Sounds good!" Krist replied.

The phone call went dead.

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