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"What's up, Dave?" Krist asks on the other line of the phone. Dave checks the clock. It wasn't too late.

Dismissing the time, Dave explained into the phone. "Well, I figured out why Kurt got sick once in awhile in this past year..." He began.

"Why?" Krist asks.

Dave sighed. "It's drugs. He's been using heroin. I'm not sure why! I'm scared for him! I don't want him to overdose or anything..! Krist! What the fuck do I do?! I am gonna freak out! I flushed that shit down...but dude, he's my childhood crush!" He suddenly went quiet. Realizing he said "crush" rather than friend.

Krist replied. "Crush you say? Well, we'll get to that in a moment. He's using heroin?"

"Yes." Dave replied. Rubbing the back of his head as he cleared his throat. Krist sighed as he responded back in the phone call.

"Is there anymore left?" He asks. He needed a confirmation. Dave felt tears sting in his eyes. "No, none left I think. I checked the bathroom.. I'll check his room once I hang up.."

"Well, how's Kurt now? Is he high?" Krist asks, sounding worried. Dave hiccuped a sob. "Yes! But he's taking a nap right now.. I'm not sure if he'll be sober when he wakes up.."

"Alright. Well I'm going to get some naltrexone. It's a medication that can help Kurt. It's a type of medicine for addicts." Krist explain in a serious tone of voice.

Dave felt relieved once he heard this. "Oh thank fucking god..get that shit dude! I don't my baby to be on this shit anymore.."

Krist chuckled softly once he heard that. "Oh, he's your baby?" He teased. Dave suddenly felt his face turn red. "Shit..!"

"You have a crush on him, don't you?" Krist asks. Dave sighed softly as he replied. "Yeah, I do.. since I first reunited with him again..just these new feelings came crawling up. Is this bad? Is it bad to be gay?"

"What?? No, Dave. Nothing is wrong with being gay. Even if you are, I support you. Hell, I think Kurt is gay myself. Sometimes he walks around wearing dresses, 'member? And he even kissed us, both to piss on homophobes during that one livestream TV bullshit." Krist reassured.

Dave remembered this. Lightly laughing once he remembers the memory. "Yeah, I remember.."

Suddenly the drummer heard a small whimper from the living room. "Hey, I gotta go.. Kurt's waking up. By the sounds of it, he still sounds high.."

"Well alright. I'll be over at your place with the naltrexone in a few. Make sure Kurt doesn't try anything stupid." Krist replied.

"Okay. I'll see you soon." Dave bitterly replied. He hangs up the phone. Getting up and walking into the living room.

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