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A few years go passed...1990.

Kurt, Chad, and Krist have their own band called Nirvana. It is going smoothly well.

Currently the band just finished a performance in the local bar. They have packed their instruments and have left the establishment.

Krist is in the driver's seat. Driving the van back to their small apartment that they shared.

Chad is in the passenger, a cigarette in between his lips with the window down. Puffing on it as he exhaled the smoke out the window.

Kurt is laying in the back seat of the van. Currently high off of some other sort of drug and some vodka.

"I can't believe you accepted that.." Chad spoke up. Glancing over at the blond frontman that is sprawled out in the back of the vehicle.

Kurt's lips grew into large grin. Laughing as he looked around mindlessly. "Oh it's great...I'm great."

Krist shakes his head. Making it to a stop light. He stops the car. Waiting for the color light to change.

"Yeah, but you accepted that from some random drunk. Who knows what could it could be doing." Krist replied.

Chad flicks his cigarette out of the window. Clearing his throat as he speaks up. "Well, we'll get you inside and you're going straight to bed. Okay?"

Kurt bursts into laughter. Flipping over on his stomach as he nodded. "Hahah! Yeah! Like that'll happen! I feel so funny!"

The current drummer of Nirvana felt a little uncomfortable. He looked at Krist.

Krist looked over at Chad. Speaking up, "He'll probably be a little high until tomorrow..don't worry about it. It won't last long."

Chad rolls his eyes. "You said that last time. Kurt has been doing all these sorts of drugs. I don't know." He explained, moving his light colored brown hair back.

Krist sighed. "I know, but we do it sometimes too. So don't say that." Chad suddenly felt angry.

He shouted out at Krist. "I already know that!"

The bassist fell quiet. The light changed to green as he continued to drive.

Kurt suddenly spoke up. "Heyy... You guys are being so loud." He says, wiping the sudden rush of sweat across of his face.

"Sorry." Krist briefly apologized. But Chad wasn't. He just rolled his light caramel colored eyes and looked out the window.

They reached to the apartment.

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