Chapter Twenty-Two - Revelations

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I looked at Madame Claire with some surprise. Gladys had mentioned Madame Claire with much warmth before she died. "I was told you were quite close to Gladys Brightgarden, in fact, I'd come here with some offers in her name. But now you say you are not her friend? Why?"

She turned away from me on the pew we were sitting on. There was a long pause and then she said quietly, "I have my reasons."

I thought for a moment as to what might be the reason and decided to shelve my offer of sainthood and a wing. Gladys had told me a few stories of an unnamed friend who'd been a wild woman when Gladys had lived in Aluraparine. Perhaps Madame Claire was that friend and the story somehow spread through Gladys's fault? 

No. Gladys wasn't a gossip. She often quoted Socrates by saying only weak minds discussed people.   I pressed further, "Did Gladys cause you embarrassment? I would like to know what happened. If it is awful, it would be good for the church to know."

Madame Claire turned around again, this time looking more like someone about to explode, "What's the matter with you? Why are you interrogating me?" She trembled as she glared at me, then suddenly coughed into a handkerchief.

Janicen patted Madame Claire on the back, making soothing sounds until the older woman's fit had passed. Then she said, "The priest means to give us something in Gladys' memory. I don't believe he meant to upset us by bringing up any bad memories."

Madame Claire harrumphed. Though it was but a brief glance, I noted there was blood on the handkerchief.

I was eyeing her carefully, looking for any other signs of illness in her. She had not been this ill when I'd met her nearly a year before. I retreated in my questioning for now. "Head Librarian is correct. The Techknight that had loved Gladys wanted you and Madame Claire to have these." I presented them with the beautiful jewelry that I'd set aside from the gifts meant for the church.

Madame Claire stared at the beautiful gold and diamond necklace while Janicen gently took the earrings, which were made of rubies. She carefully placed one of the earrings in the palm of each hand.

"The earrings play musical notes, and the necklace has a device that screams if it's stolen. "

Madame Claire's mouth opened as she admired the exquisite diamond on the necklace. She closed her fist around it and brought it to her face to look closer. "Thank you," she looked dumbfounded, but soon her expression closed again. "Kovalan would never..."

Xavier? So that was the name of the old lover that Gladys told me about in Aluraparine. "Why would he ever give you jewelry? Of course, you must have meant a lot to him since you were Gladys's friend."

Did she? I wasn't sure, but I was getting good information from going this route.

Madame Claire's looked annoyed, "And she is not my friend."

"Then, is he the reason you are no longer Gladys' friend?"

She banged her fist against the wooden pew. "No, that's not it!  After she sent that girl, all sorts of soldiers came here questioning us about our fealty!"

That was interesting. Why did the empire send their soldiers if the emperor was keeping his mistress here?

"I had heard rumors... well... as a man of the cloth, I would be sinning if I shared them." I sighed, and hoped they would chomp on that tidbit like a dragon bass.

Janicen chomped, "Any rumors you might have heard are false." She fidgeted uncomfortably, then leaned forward. "What rumors? Please, we must know. It would help us."

My internal grin stretched out as wide as the aforementioned dragon bass mouth. All I was missing was the satisfied curl of mist from its icy breath after feeding on a most delectable meal. My outward expression was all piousness. "If it would help you, then... I heard that the emperor kept his mistress here."

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