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Kayla's POV :

I was hanging out with Nash today.We were walking around some little flower shop because for some reason I like this flower shop and I think I wanna buy one for stas.

"Hey,isn't that chloe?"Nash asked me as we looked over the rail to see Cam and Chloe taking selfies by the ocean

"Yea,their so cute."I said as nash laughed

"I'm happy for cam."Nash said

"Me to,cause I know he's been wanting to find that perfect girl.And I think Chloe's the one for him."I told nash

"Yea,I'm happy he's happy. "Nash said

"I know." I said As nash started hugging me

"My son's grown up now."Nash said as I was laughing at him

"I know,we did good with him."I said as we both laughed at eachother .As I was walking around for stas the perfect flower I felt my phone vibrate,and it was an insta gram notification.

@Nashgrier :flower shopping for @Stassiebaby with wifey @KaykayDashian ✊#Beautiful #Babe

"Aww thanks baby. "I said to nash

Cameron's POV :

The whole squad has been in Hawaii for a week now.Chloe is leaving later on this afternoon, we exchanged numbers so we can talk everyday. I was kinda sad to know she was leaving, but I know we can always FaceTime,call,and text.

"I hate that I'm leaving. "She said as we were holding hands walking around the water

"Me to,but I want you to call or text me as soon as you land."I told her as we stopped in our tracks and looked at eachother in our eyes.

"I promise. "She said as I spinned her around and kissed her

"I love you."I said to her as I put her down

"I love you to."Chloe said while we toke an instagram picture

@Camerondallas :gonna miss this little thing @its.chloeeee

"Chloe,come on its time to go."Her dad said
"Coming!"She yelled

"Bye cam."She said as she gave me a kiss and let go of my hand and ran to her dad.

"Bye babe!"I yelled as she walked in.

Chloe's pov:

I hated I was leaving Cameron. But I knew I was gonna see him again.But the problem is that I live in Florida and he lives in LA. But we'll find a way to make it work.

As I was walking out to the air port.I played Btr :Worldwide and it reminded me of me and cam.

Then as I walked down with my family,I seen all my friends.And then kayla ran to me .

"Bye babe,FaceTime me,we'll all be in the call.Have a good flight."She said as she gave me a flower and said good bye to me.

"Bye chloe!"Everybody yelled as I smiled and told them bye

@its.chloeeee :Gonna miss the's been real✊✌
(Instagram, picture of chloe and the whole squad)

~I know it's short,but it's better than nothing ~I'll update later on today and tomorrow possibly ~I'm so happy for cam and chloe~

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