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Kayla's POV :

The next day I woke up feeling pretty good. Then when I was getting out of the bed I got a call from kim.

-On the phone-

Kayla - Hey kimmy

Kim - Hey doll, I need you to come to the hospital, it's your mom

Kayla - *Jumps off the bed*what's wrong

Kim - she's fine, she just had a black out and she wants to see you

Kayla - I'm at Disneyland in my hotel. I don't think I'll make it in time, but I'm on my way

Kim - Alright see you when u get here.

-End of phone call-

A few hours past, and justin dropped me off at the hospital. And as soon as I got there I waited for a few minutes since the front office had me waiting. Then I was able to see my mom.

Khloe's POV :

"Hey kay."I said to kayla smiling as she gave me a hug

"How you feeling?"she asked me as her dad came with some water and brought it to her.

"I'm okay, just not in the best mood, but I'll get better.How was disneyland? "I asked kayla as she told me what they did and showed me some pictures.

"It was really fun, want me to get you anything, do something? "She asked sitting up

"No, since all I did was pass out I'm free to go home, but go have fun.I'll be out with bruce."I told kayla as her and jenn left.

Kayla's POV :

"So what you about to do?"Jenn asked me

"Nothing, probly stop by at kim's, want to come? "I asked

"Why not, I love nori she's literally the cutest thing."Jenn said as we started laughing and talking about nori.

Kim's POV :

I was at my house waiting for kayla and jenn to come over.Kenny was out with rob and kanye at my mom's place.But I wanted to just talk to kayla, and jenn wanted to play with north.Then before I knew it, they were here.

"Kimmy!"Jenn & kayla yelled as they embraced me in a hug.

"Hey, hey, hey come on in."I told them as they walked in while I closed the door.

"Where's nori?"Jenn asked as I told her she was upstairs

"Well then, go have fun jenny!"Kayla yelled from downstairs as we went in the den and talked.

"So, what do you think he's trying to do?"I asked kayla as she said "I don't know. "

"Well, do you think he's doing this to try and get back at you since your with justin now? "I asked

"I have no clue, but whatever he's doing isn't making me feel happy for him, I mean even though nash is my ex I would never wish anything bad on him, but lately he's been on the Celebrity news and it's not looking good for him."Kayla said

"I know I've seen what their saying about him.But do u really think he would go and mess around with justin's friend hailey? "I asked as she showed me a picture of them (nash & hailey).

"They maybe are just becoming friends. "I told kayla as she showed me one of nash holding hailey as she kissed him.

"Yea new friends just kiss eachother on the lips."She said

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