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-3 weeks later -

Nash's POV :

I was at me and Cameron's apartment while the both of us were talking with hayes.

"So,what did you guys think of kay's party?"Hayes asked us

"I enjoyed it,I'm just glad that me and her are passed all that mess and are good friends again."Cam said eating some oreo's
"It was nice."I said

"I can't believe her and justin are basically engaged. "Hayes said in a weird voice

"Not basically, they ARE."I said to hayes

"I wish me and her never ended things,but I'm just happy that she's happy."I said with a little sound of regret in my voice .

"Hey man don't beat yourself up,you know things happen for a reason. "Cameron said

"Yea,These things happen."Hayes said reminding me of the G-eazy album

"I know ,but it kinda hurts seeing her and him together. And the way their all touchy feely with eachother put's me in a very uncomfortable position sometimes."I said to them

"Look it's fine,all that matters right now is that you and her are on good terms and have some type of connection, and I know you rather have a friendship connection with her,rather than having no connection with her."Cam said to me as I couldn't fight the fact that what he said was only true.

Kayla's POV :

Me and justin both have been spending so much time together. And I love every second we spend together, it was so perfect. And lately we've been staying at his house.

"What we doing today?"I asked justin

"Anything you want. "He said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"I know what I wanna do."I said smirking as he was kissing down my neck

"So do i."He said in between his kisses

"Oh shit,we cant."I said as I panicked for a second

"What,did I do something? "He asked

"No,I just forgot I have a interview on ellen."I told him

"Okay,well maybe after your interview. "He said drinking water..#ThirstIsREAL.

"Cant,kim wants me to come with her shopping. "I told him

"After that."He said Raising his eyebrows

"I promised kylie and jordyn I'd go to the movies with them."I said feeling bad

"Damn."He said putting his head down

"I'd be back at about 9ish 10 at the latest. " I told him

"It's cool,I'll probably hang with Za and Khalil."He said walking upstairs

"Okay,well I'm leaving! "I yelled from the bottom of the stairs because I didn't feel like walking up the stairs

"Alright! "He yelled from in his room

"I love you to!"I yelled slipping on my jordans and heading for the door

"I love you more."He said as he ran downstairs to the door

"Bye babe."I said as I pecked his lips and left

-2 hours later-

It was now time for me to leave out of my dressing room and go out for my interview. I was always happy about coming on ellen,this was probably the only interview show I could go on and feel comfortable and not feel pressured.

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