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~Next week~

Lauren's pov:

It was the day of my open mic night.I was so happy,it was 7:15pm and my performance doesn't start till 7:30.We drove there and got there at 7:24 so I only had a few minutes to practice my singing. I wanted it to be perfect.Minutes pasted and it was now time to sing. I got up on stage and I'll admit I was a little nervous,but I didn't come here to stand on the stage, I came on stage and gave it all I got.
I was singing Ariana Grande's song love me harder.It went so well.I got so many applause' s after the performance to where the crowd wanted me to sing a nother song,and since I live singing I did it. I then sung all I want by: Daniel skye and Cameron dallas.As I was in the middle of Cam's part I caught kylie and kayla talking to some guy with basically all black on and his hair was slicked back.I soon met eyes with...G-eazy. I was so shocked I almost wanted to jump off stage.As I finished everyone cheered then I got off the stage and walked over to cam and kendall because I wasn't going by kyles and kay because they were by G.

"Nice job singing my part."Cam said as I gave him a high five

"I know I did good hu."I said as I flipped my hair then I seen kendall and cam smile at me and walk away I soon looked behind me and seen G-eazy was standing behind me.

"Holy shit, your G-eazy. "I said as I looked at him and smiled while he looked at me and smiled to.And I believe I just seen him lick his lips.

"Call me Gerald. "He said referring to his real name

"Ok...Gerald."I said as he laughed,gosh his eyelashes are everything

"You did good up there."He said to me

"Thank you,I tried."I said with a smile as he was studying my face

"Me and kylie were talking to your mom about signing you to a label."Gerald said to me as I covered my mouth

"Seriously? "I asked

"Yea,you got what it takes."He said to me

"I don't know G."I said pulling my hair behind my ear

"Come on,we all believe in you...I believe in you. "He said as my heart sunk

"Okay then,when do we start?"I asked him

"Give me your number and I'll hit you up when I figure everything out. "He said as we swapped phones to put eachother's numbers in,then we gave eachother's phones back

"Alright,well hit me up when you can."I said as I was about to walk to the table,then he pulled me back

"Let's go to the beach and walk around to talk."He said to me as I looked over at my mom as she waved her hand for me to go

"Come on Gerald. "I said as we walked to his car.

We soon got to the beach and it was nice out. It was warm but kinda windy,water was settle,sand was warm and the stars in the sky were beautiful.

"So,I heard you like my music."He said to me

"(*Laughing * ) yea."I said as he smirked

"So,have you ever made any songs personally?"He asked me

"Yea,I have like 3 songs I written but only 2 are complete. "I said to him as we toke a seat on the sand

"I'll have to hear them one day."He said as we both laughed

"So,tell me about your self? "G said to me as i looked up at the sky

" biological mother kicked me out the house when I was 10 because she was high on dope,my dad was never in my life,my grandma didn't want me.So I started staying at my friend rose's house till I was 12,then I had to leave because her parents got tired of me, then I started helping an elder lady clean her house and she paid me for it.So I would use that money to buy me food,and then I lived at and homeless shelter for a while,and when i went to high school,back when I was dating my Ex when we were dating he said he would care for me and all this shit and I trusted him and within 2 weeks of me staying with him he became abusive, alcoholic, cheater,and since he always used me when his side hoes didn't wanna deal with him.And last week he dropped me off at a gas station because I told him to get his life straight.And that's when Khloe found me and now here i am."I said as he looked at me

"Damn,I didn't know it was that bad...sorry that you had to go through that,but hey look where you are now."He said as I smiled at him and agreeded with what he was saying

"Yea,I guess you gotta go through the hard times before you get to have the good ones."I said as we stood up

As we were on our way to my house the car was silent, but He broke the silence as we pulled up.

"I think I might just call you when I get home. "He said as I blushed and looked up at him

"Okay,and thanks for tonight...I enjoyed myself. "I said as he shrugged his shoulders and smiled

"Well,I'll see you later?"I said opening the door to get out

"Most definitely. "He said as I laughed at him

"Bye."I said

"Bye."He said ,and with that I walked inside and toke a shower and got in some pajamas. As I got on my bed I got a call from Gerald (*G-eazy *)

We ended up talking on the phone for 3 whole hours.And we even were spitting verses on the phone.When we both hung up I tucked myself In the bed and thought about our conversation. I think that those 3 hours were worth the conversation.

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