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Kayla's POV :

It's been 2 months that just passed and alot has happened. Kim is pregnant again,lia is 5 months now,kendall and cam started a clothing line of their own. Me and nash are now living in our own place and are attending college within 2 weeks.Kylie just turned 18 and her and tyga just went official. Lauren and Gerald are now engaged, fifth harmony are going on tour.My mom is now better at baking sweets. My friend Chloe is also going to college with me and nash. Last but not least jenn is happily in a relationship with her boyfriend jack,some people may know him from his youtube chanel "ThatSoJack"... p.s I died my hair (*picture at the top* ) just a few streaks blonde.

"Lauren's here,and me and carter are going for a run so I'll be back home within like 2 hours or so."Nash said to me as he kissed me goodbye and I walked down to see lauren sitting on the couch

"What's up homie?"I said as I sat by her

"I made a huge mistake. "She said to me as I was already thinking something

"Did you cheat?"I asked her hoping she didn't

"No,but I'm ahh."She said now fanning herself

"Pregnant. "I said not in shock

"Yea,and I don't want this to effect me while I'm on tour.''She said worried

''How far are you?"I asked as I grabbed a bag of chips

"4 weeks. "She said

"How long yuh touring for? "I asked stuffing my face down with lays

"2 months."She responded

"You'll be fine, you'll basically be like 3 in a half months,you'll hardly show,just bring your McDonald's gift card and buy lots of'll be fine."I said as she thought about it

"Yea your right,but we wear tight clothing on stage....I don't wanna suficate my child."She said

"Wear loosely clothes a bit,you and the girls buy your outfits for your guys tour and make sure you all buy a size you all agree on...something that fits,but also where you can move a lot more."I told her as she nodded her head

"So who all knows?"I asked

"G,Camila so she probably already told the girls,jenn,kendall,mom,and kenny."Lauren said

"Oh,well mom probably told the rest of the family."I said

"I know."Lauren said as she was now texting lia

"Well,I'm gonna go shopping with jordyn and stas,wanna roll?"I asked lauren

"No,dinah and Normani wanna take me out for lunch."Lauren said getting up

"Okay, well by lauren."I said giving her a hug and walking out

"Bye babe."She said leaving out

Stas's pov :

"I'm gonna miss you when you leave. "I said as I gave kayla a hug

"Where you going? "Jordyn asked

"Me and nash are going to college and it's out here in LA so I don't know why stas is trippin."Kayla said

"We'll it's just that we won't be able to do as much as we use to, you and nash will be doing homework and extra school activities. "I said

"Well were only gonna he there for 2 years. "Kayla said as me and jordyn looked at her weird

"Why for 2 years,and not the full 4?"Jordyn asked

"Well,I've been online doing extra curricul work witch toke off two years of my college year witch was good because I did it for a good cause and I told nash about it and he did it as well,and having schedules like us the 2 years will be enough ."Kayla said

"Yay!"Jordyn and I yelled as everyone in forever 21 looked at us

"Oh my gosh you guys."Kayla said laughing

Lauren'spov :

I was at the dance studio with the girls after dinah,Normani and I went to get lunch.I spoke to our Manger about me being pregnant and she said it was okay as long as I'm not close to having it yet.So I was happy about that.

Khloe's POV :

Me and kim were at her house talking about Nothing until she said this.

"Mom got a call from E! and they said they would like for us to star in another season of Keeping up with the kardashians, but in like 3 years ."Kim said to me

"Why 3 years? "I asked her

"Something about seeing our transformation from now,and to 3 years later. I think it would be cool you know. "Kim said smiling

"I guess so."I said as I was playing with north

"You excited for baby number 2?"I asked kim

"Yes,I'm so I went to so many doctors just to try and have another one, and I'm so thankful I found one who was able to get me through these surgeries just so I can another baby."Kim said

"Well I'm glad your happy Kimberly. "I said as I gave her a hug

"Thank you khloe."She said as she pulled out her phone to take a selfie with me and north

Kenny's pov :

Me and lia were at my house watching movies .

"Babe, I think I wanna find us our own place to stay,I mean we don't have to move in now,but it would be nice to have our own space."Lia said to me

"Yea we should,I mean kayla moved out,jenn is moving out next week with jack,and lauren is practically always at Gerald's house."I said to her laying my head on her chest.

Then before lia could respond.. walking in my mom,kayla,jenn,& lauren .

"I forgot it was today. "I said standing up

"Forgot what was today? "Lia asked

''Khloe is officially adopting us."Jenn said

"Why,like get your names changed?"Lia asked

"Only our last names babe. "i said putting my Nike slippers on

"So you guys will be a official Kardashian's now."Kayla said to me,jenn,and lauren

"They basically already were kay."Mom said

"Well It's just now it will officially be their last name."Kayla said

"Yea,you got a point coming lia?"My mom asked as lia got up and tagged along with us

~ at the Court~

After the judge finished his speech about whatever he was saying he then said

"I now pronounce you lauren,Kenneth, and Jennifer as kardashians. "

"How should we celebrate ?"My mom asked

"By going roller skating! "We all yelled as my mom nodded her head and drove to the roller skating ring.

I was so glad how today went.I wouldn't have had it any different.

life as Khloe Kardashian's daughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin