Chapter 7: What is Love?

Comenzar desde el principio

scenserily, Milo

Jake cringed at the misspelt Sincerely, then walked inside as he got a response from Daisy.

'Of course Jake! What's on your mind?'

'Well... Say you have... had a crush for a while, like, a long time... But then someone else you recently bonded with alot told you they liked you... And then you start... realizing how you feel about them, but you still like this other person too.. What do I- I mean, What does... one do when that happens.'

Jake could already hear her giggling at his bad attempt at being subtle. To Jakes surprise though...

'I know what thats like Jake, But... I'd honestly think it's up for you to decide. Who do you think would suit you better? Hailey, Or the other special someone.'

Jake bit the inside of his cheek, Damn, He made it so obvious, and yet she still hadn't picked up on the fact he likes her too. Oh well.

'Well, They're both amazing... And they both care about what I really want... But I've known one longer than the other... But at the same time...'

Jake seemed to be conflicted. Daisy seemed to catch on though. And to Jakes surprise, this was her response.

'Jake, In all honesty, I think you should pick Hailey. You and her have so much in common, I've seen it when I've come to see you all rehearse. I'm always going to be busy though you know.'

Jake kind of felt embarrassed. Huh, Guess she figured it out after all. He bit his lip as he sighed.

'You knew...'

'Well, It wasn't super hard to figure out. I just didn't want to bring it up and hurt you. You're still a good friend to me Jake'

Jake smiled softly.

'Thanks, Daisy... You're honestly a really great friend too. I think I will choose Hailey... Uhm, Thanks though... For everything. But hey I guess this means you know who to pick too now huh?'

He smirked slightly, he could already just tell she was going to burn up.

'I- Hey! We were having a moment there... Besides, I'm still too busy. Maybe when we're out of school.'

Jake smiled softly, This didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would. Maybe it's because he really does like Hailey.

'By the way, Daisy...'


Hailey sat up against her bed, Hugging her knees as she stared at Jakes contact info. She didn't know if she should text him or not.

Zander walked into the room, looking at his sister curled up on her bed He clears his throat before he speaks.

"Hailey, What happened? Where did you go? and why was that oaf so insistent I came as soon as possible?"

Hailey bit her lip... She starts to remember why. She shuddered.

"After... I read the note... I started running... I didn't stop..."

Hailey started to explain, Zander listened.

"I don't remember the way I was going, I just needed to go, I didn't like what I was feeling... I found a door that I hadn't seen around before, and went into it... I ran down stairs... and then... through another door... it was pitch black, And I heard yelling behind me..."

"That was Sean, along with some of the security guards."

Zander tells her, causing her to bite her lip again.

"I don't... remember what happened next... I heard... voices, and then just one voice growling... and another from above... it was too muffled to make out. At that point I was frozen in a corner on my own. I remember... hearing his voice... He said... "Finally Found" but I didn't see anyone... next thing I knew I heard a loud echo, but then a Light came into view... It was Jake with his Phones flashlight...He led me out of there, but we heard that voice groaning before we left...Then he showed me that he found Milly in those Bushes..."

Zander took a minute to process everything, and then slowly nodded.

"Creepy. Maybe just avoid ever going back there. The adults can probably handle it from there..."

Zander spoke, Then sighing.

"..So. Did you forgive him yet?"

Zander looked at Hailey, and Hailey looked away


Zander nodded. Then crossed his arms

"Okay, what should we tell the others then?"

"I don't know Zander... Everything is stressful right now... Can I just...have some time alone?"

Zander sighed, patting Hailey on the back, then left her to think to herself. He didn't know how to really comfort her anyways. Hailey just sat there, curled on her bed as she took in a deep breathe, reflecting on everything that's happened today.

"What even... was that down there... I...I don't want to know...hah..."

Hailey spoke to herself quietly, then sighed, Pulling up her phone messages. She scrolled through her contacts before coming back up, seeing Jake's contact. She thought to herself for a while, What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he just accepts it because he doesn't want to hurt her again?... What if he accepts because everyone else would be... mad at him... if not... Hailey started to overthink everything, She opened his contact.


Hailey just.. face palms. Why did she have to make it sound so dramatic... Then again... she's been overly dramatic recently, huh.

'Huh, Whats up Hailey? Are you alright?'

Jake responded a bit quick, almost as if he was expecting her. Hailey flinched slightly, but at least felt relieved she wouldn't need to wait long.

'Hey, I'm alright, I just... needed to talk to you about something...'

Hailey felt her heart aching.

'Actually, Theres something I wanted to tell you too Hailey.'

Her heart felt heavy, yet it was going miles every minute. Why is this happening? Is this love? it sucks...

'Well...Let me talk first, Okay?'

She quickly sent, Only to receive the following

'Oh, Uh, Alright Hails. But it's really important'

'So is this Jake...'

The two would go silent in their messages before Hailey sent another.

'Uhm... About earlier... It's.. uh... Maybe it' you forget... about that... I didn't realize the stress it would cause you... I didn't want you to feel like you had to accept..'

'Hailey, What are you talking about? You weren't forcing me to accept your feelings.'

'I know but... Zander... and everyone...'

'I'm sure they wouldn't hate me more than they do now... Atleast... everyone except Zander...'

'E-Exactly... So maybe it's best you just...uhm...'

'Hailey... Can we call real quick?'

'Uhm... Sure...'

Jake quickly facetime's Hailey, And she accepts it. She then realized how much of a mess she looked so she turned off her camera.

"Hailey? Why'd you?"

"J-Just one second... I'm a mess..."

"Oh come on, I saw you before I left you know, Can't look any worse than that. Besides, You didn't even look that bad before I left either."

Hailey felt her cheeks warm up slightly, Placing a hand on her chest before sighing. She ties her hair back, because she probably took her hairband off when she got into her room. She turns on her camera again. She could see Jakes eyes slightly shine in... awe? she didn't look that great right now though. Jake then smiled at her

"I'm in love with you too, Hailey."

I'm sorry this is shorter than the last, I'll make the next one longer 😭 Also, the next few chapters might go off the rails of tmf, but it will soon go back on the rails, because i wanted to add a little... something to this just to make it a bit more... unique i guess? lol. Bai~!

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