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triple update this week

happy hobi day🎂✨

For: 4.9K reads🎉 and all of you my lovely flowers


-"uhm...hyung, I can explain"- Taehyung starts twiddling his thumbs looking at Yoongi who was still crouched holding Yoonji before he rose up with his daughter in his arms

-"you have to. What have you been teaching my child?"- Yoongi says glaring at Taehyung

-"I swear that's not what I've been telling her it's just that she saw you two kiss and I had to tell her something that's of her age; that you two are friends....well you are more boyfriends than just friends but that's besides the point"- Taehyung explained

Hoseok was still standing next to them watching their interaction as he blushed lightly when Taehyung called Yoongi and himself boyfriends...remembering the kiss they had shared a few minutes ago before they heard Yoonji cry.

-"what are you talking about ...Yoonji is still here you know"- Yoongi asks(says) smacking Taehyung's shoulder lightly and the latter gave a fake wince.

-"I told her that that's grown up stuff so she shouldn't be listening to it. She's too young-"-

-"momma?"- Yoonji called out and all attention turns to her

-"yes baby?"-

-"what is a boyfwend?"-

The adults looked at each other speechlessly but mostly at Taehyung because he was the one who started this.

-"uhm...a boyfriend is a boy who is a friend"- Yoongi explained

-"can I have one?"- the little girl asks and everyone is shocked

-"baby, you are too young to have a boyfriend"- Yoongi says

-"no momma...I am a big girl"- Yoonji says pouting

Yoongi sighs,

-"no you are not"-

-"b-but said Yoonji a big girl"- Yoonji says on the verge of crying once again and Yoongi thinks of a way to comfort her without being harsh and before she could cry.

-"baby...only big girls can have boyfriends. And you are not a big girl. You are still in preschool"- Yoongi says and just then Yoonji broke down again, tears rolling down her chubby cheeks

-"why can't Yoonji have boyfwend?!!! I big girl momma!"- she cried thrashing around in Yoongi's hold so Yoonji crouched down to let her down before she could hurt herself

The three adults were at a loss for words.

How were they supposed to comfort a toddler who was throwing a tantrum over not having a boyfriend?

-"Yoonji, you can have a boyfriend when you are big enough okay?"- Yoongi says trying to console her and it seemed to work for a second because her cries quieted down and reduced to whimpers and sniffles

-"when I am big enough?"-

-"yes baby. When you are big enough like a teenager"-

-"what is that?"-

-"when you are thirteen you can have a boyfriend?"-


-"yes baby"-

The little girl then starts counting her fingers but then pouted looking at Yoongi

-"is this thwirteen?"- holding up her small hand showing five fingers

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