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happy valentines! here's a gift!

For: 4.6K reads✨


The air between Hoseok and Yoongi was quite awkward as expected.

Neither of them knew about what to talk about to soften the aura looming over them so they just sat looking away from each other in awkward silence much to their dismay until Hoseok cleared his throat ,

-" are you doing?"- he asked scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly and Yoongi looks at him before he answered him with a ,-"I'm fine thank you, what about you?"-

Hoseok wanted to skin himself alive.

How could he be this awkward in the presence of his unofficial boyfriend?

He internally cried in embarrassment, cursing at himself.

They then sat in still awkward silence, save for the noisy engine of a car driving past as Hoseok has his coffee and muffin which he soon was done eating because he placed the cup on the table with a light thud and Yoongi looked at him once again.

-"oh, you are done?"- he asked and Hoseok hummed in agreement,-"yes I am hyung. Thank you for breakfast, it was nice of you to give them to me for free"-

-"ah, don't mention it. You have done nice things for me too, so take it lightly"- Yoongi says as he rose from where he had been sitting opposite Hoseok taking the empty cup in his hand and placing it on the saucer that had held the blueberry muffin he had given to Hoseok before excusing himself to go to the kitchen to drop the dishes as Hoseok assumed.

He was then left alone in the cafe, on his own since there were literally no customers present. At least there had been no one to witness their embarrassing moment of awkward silence between Yoongi and him.

He thanked the Lord for that, sighing in relief.


As soon as Yoongi walked into the kitchen with the used dishes in his hand he was startled by Taehyung who had been doing something in the kitchen? he did look like he had been doing something shortly before Yoongi walked in and Yoongi let out a shrill squeak in surprise.

-"Oh my God Taehyung! Do you want to kill me?"-

-"sorry about that, hyung"- Taehyung says as he straightened up to lean against one of the counters his hands behind his back suspiciously.

-"what were you doing and why are you hiding your hands behind your back?"- Yoongi asks as he places the cup and saucer on the counter top next to the sink

-"n-nothing, hyung. I have nothing on my hands"-

-"well then, let me see"- Yoongi says stretching his arm Infront of Taehyung as if to tell him to place whatever he was hiding behind his back on his hand and Taehyung didn't move instead choosing to try to use his puppy eyes on Yoongi.

-"tch. You know that never works on me, now hand it over"- Yoongi says and Taehyung whined in disappointment as he revealed his hands to Yoongi to show that he had several cookies in his hands and Yoongi immediately knew where he was about to take them

To Yoonji of course.

But not on Yoongi's watch.

There was no way he was going to let Taehyung cause Yoonji to get a sugar rush that early in the morning.

He was not ready to deal with a hyper Yoonji at eleven in the morning.

-"put them back in the cookie jar"- Yoongi says and Taehyung whined

daddy issues; sope ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant