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hii, hyd?

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-"you're already back? How did your date go?"- Jimin asks as soon as Hoseok walked into the living room to find him seated on one of the leather couches a cup of steaming tea in his hand.

-"yes, I'm back Jimin. The date...was...great"- Hoseok says heaving a happy sigh at the end and Jimin smirks.

-"see I told you everything would go well, you were just overthinking things and stressing out too much"-

-" was actually pretty smooth although I embarassed myself in front of him while we were at the rides"-

-"oh my goodness didn't go on the rollercoaster did you?"-

-"we actually did because I insisted we go to the amusement park after our coffee date"-

-"that's...uhm..well did you at least bag him?"- Jimin asks before raising his cup to his lips before taking a sip out of it hissing at the hot fluid on his tongue as Hoseok's cheeks fill with colour and he looks down.

-"did you..really ..."-

-"yes Jimin...he allowed me to pursue him but told me only if we take it slow"- Hoseok says, his cheeks red which only get redder when Jimin says,-"see, I told you y'all would start dating! I'm so happy for you hyung! I just hope it doesn't end like..."-

Yeah, Hoseok too hoped that it wouldn't end up with him crying himself to sleep, in a pit of depression and darkness like it did with his shitty ex boyfriend who broke him to bits that he took so much time to pick up the pieces and glue it all back together.

-"me too too"-

-"away from that, I want to know exactly what happened during your date...I'm so anxious about it so spill the details"-

-" there's nothing much to talk about...we just went on a simple coffee date, asked each other questions about each other and he told me he was 28 ..."-

-"I always knew you had a thing for the older ones...your hyung kink is very loud right now hyung"- Jimin says, cutting off Hoseok who is now a blushing mess

-"wh-what are you talking about, you have such a dirty mind"-

-"it's not bad to have a kink...I have them too, it's pretty normal no need to be shy about it hyung"- Jimin says earning himself a light smack on his shoulder as Hoseok looks away and takes Jimin's cup off the coffee table and raises it to his lips to sip from it before wincing when he felt the hot liquid on his tongue.

-"if you keep teasing me I won't tell you what happened next"-

-"awww, you're so mean hyung. I wanna know everything that happened"- Jimin says pouting.

-"well then, where were we?"-

-"on your hyung kink"-

-"Jimin~"- Hoseok whines in embarrassment

-"what, it's proceed"-

-" Yoongi-hyung then tells me that he actually gave birth to the little girl that calls him momma"-

-"wait, what? But that's not biologically possible"- Jimin says as he sets the cup in his hand on the coffee table before walking up to where Hoseok still stood before taking Hoseok's hand in his and bringing them to seat in the couch Jimin was on earlier.

-"yeah..I was so shocked but I couldn't ask more about it because it seemed like invasion of privacy to me and it was our first date so I didn't want to mess it up"-

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