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hiiii!!! onionhaseyo!! i'm back my bishes and creams

here's an update!

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Jimin was not a jealous person or at least that's what he thought of himself but for some reason the news that Yoongi and Hoseok were now together hurt him.

A lot.

But what kind of friend would he be if he ruined Hoseok's jovial mood just because he felt that Hoseok should have asked him out instead?

Therefore he chose to bottle up his feelings, wearing a smile on his face as a facade to veil his emotions that for a minute has threatened to spill over and congratulate his best friend who he was in love with....had been for a long time for his new milestone. For a minute back there he felt as if tears were threatening to spill over from his eyes and if they did he wasn't sure if he could stop crying and it wouldn't look like they were tears of happiness from the news Hoseok had broke to him so he tried hard to will them down...their salty taste running down his throat.

-"why can't you see that I love you! For goodness sake what did I do to deserve this?!"- Jimin had screamed in his car as soon as he left Hoseok's apartment parking.

As far as he knew, he had been a very good worthy of the title of a best friend.

He had been there for Hoseok whenever he needed him, always rushing to him to see him, how he was fairing on every time the older called for him.

He had been there to help him pick up the pieces of himself from the ground after his ex boyfriend had trampled on him leaving him broken and bleak...not an ounce of the ever present sunshine beaning from him and it saddened Jimin.

A lot. More than he'd like to admit.

He knew it was wrong to fall for Hoseok, especially because they were best friends for goodness sake.

Well not totally wrong...what was wrong in loving one's friends? Nothing. So Jimin hadn't committed sin by falling in love with Hoseok, he argued in his head.

Besides, it was so easy to fall head over heels for Hoseok.

The older was one of a kind; one in a million, in a billion, Jimin would say if he ever got questioned over his love for Hoseok...where it all began.

Hoseok was the kindest person he had ever met in his short lifespan of 24 years on this wretched planet, the sweetest he had ever crossed paths with and to top it all of, last but not the least, he had a very beautiful heart just like the rest of him.

He was very good looking, anyone would fall for him especially if he tended to care for them like a boyfriend would,( more like how a friend would take care of their friend but let Jimin's wishful thinking lead you on) always calling and asking if you were okay, how your day was, what you had for lunch or dinner among everything else.

Therefore it was not Jimin's fault that he got carried away and blinded by Hoseok's sunny personality.

Before they met, he had been a rather introverted person...he rarely liked physical contact but that changed when he crossed paths with Jung Hoseok.

The literal ball of sunshine would always find a way to keep cuddling with Jimin, whether it was in his living room on one of the couches they had sat on while a movie played or his bedroom as he played with Jimin's hair.

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