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Double update!

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Hoseok and Yoongi were now queueing for the rollercoaster ride at the amusement park Hoseok had suggested they spend the rest of their date at.

Hoseok seemed very bubbly , his eyes shining with excitement.

-"we're almost there, hyung...I can't wait"- Hoseok says as the queue shifts and the people infront of them got on the ride, being buckled up by the staff before the ride could start.

It took a while for the rollercoaster to go back to it's starting point where Yoongi, Hoseok and others were waiting for their turns on the ride.

-"please come forward"- one of the staff says as Yoongi complied with Hoseok walking closely behind him as they got on the ride, told to buckle up tightly for their safety's sake and the staff does a quick safety check on everyone's buckle before they pressed on the button next to the entrance to the ride to start the rollercoaster.

-"have fun, everyone!"- the staff says before the rollercoaster starts rolling down on its tracks.

Everything was loud with people squealing as the ride went through corners, ups and downs.

People, including Hoseok who looked like he was fighting for his life on the ride.

His hands were clutching at the railing on the rollercoaster like his life depended on it, screaming like a broken record.

Yoongi on the other hand was laughing in amusement seeing Hoseok's reaction.

The ride soon came to a halt as the screaming gradually stopped.

Hoseok looked like his soul had left his body, his body laying limply against his seat.

-"wasn't this your suggestion? You look like you've been through hell and back"- Yoongi snickered as Hoseok slowly rose to alight from the ride to give others a chance on the dreadful thing.

-"I don't feel too good"- Hoseok says as he staggers slightly, his legs still feeling like jelly.

-"why don't we go to the ice cream shop while we wait for you to come around?"- Yoongi says

-"that's a good idea"-


Yoongi and Hoseok were now outside the ice cream shop within the amusement park to get their dose of sugar to calm Hoseok's nerves that were still shaken up from the rollercoaster ride earlier.

-"do you still feel giddy about the rides in the park?"- Yoongi teases

-"hyung~ we promised not to talk about it"- Hoseok whines as he takes their orders of ice cream from the server before they slowly walk out and walk towards the park where there was a bit much calm than the areas with rides or activities.

-"I'm going to keep teasing you about it for as long as I can because it was very funny. Especially you screaming like no tomorrow "- Yoongi says before lapping at his vanilla ice cream.


-"okay, okay. I'll try not to tease you, much, about it. Your secret is safe with me"-

-"it's still embarrassing "-

-"it's not trust me"-

-"but, it was my idea and then I ended up embarrassing myself in front of my crush on our first date~"- Hoseok whines more while Yoongi chuckles lightly.

-"I didn't mind it, it made my day brighter. I was actually very nervous to meet up with you because I didn't know how to carry myself around you but now it feels casual talking to you like this. I promise I won't tell about what happened at the rollercoaster"-

daddy issues; sope ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora