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hiii, double update this week

For: 1.7K reads


Dinner was made in silence save for the background noises from the cartoons Yoonji was watching at the sitting room.

Taehyung was rather excited to hear about Hoseok's and Yoongi's escapade but he was trying as much as he could to hold out until Yoonji was sleeping for them to talk about it(for Yoongi to spill all the juicy details).

It was a simple dish of stir fried chicken and some rice so it didn't take long to be ready and for them to serve .

They ate in silence the only noises being from cutlery against ceramics and before long they were done.

Taehyung offered to wash the dishes while Yoongi helped Yoonji into a bath before he could take her to sleep.


-"so...what exactly happened at your date?"- Taehyung asks as soon as Yoongi walks into the living room a cup of steaming coffee in hand which he raises to his lips before taking a sip out of it.

-"nothing much"- Yoongi replies

-"awww, I still want to know. The suspense is killing me"- Taehyung whines as Yoongi chuckles.

-"okay, I'll tell you"-

-"yay! Have a seat please"- Taehyung says as Yoongi walks to the sofa opposite him and sits, placing the cup of coffee on the coffee table at the centre of the the room.

-"where do I start?"-

-"anywhere you'd like"-

-"so we first met up at the cafe next to the park like I had mentioned to you. We talked over a cup of coffee. Like we introduced ourselves to each other once again. He told me he was 27 and that he was interested in me"-

-"ouh-la-la hyung..."- Taehyung says wiggling his brows.

-"what happened next?"-

-"I told him that I was 28 and he looked shocked so I asked him if there was anything wrong with that but he said he thought he was going to be older than me because he said I look younger than 28"-

-"...or maybe he has a hyung kink"- Taehyung says causing Yoongi to blush

-"wh-what are you talking about Taehyung....get your mind out of the gutter"- Yoongi chastises

-"and then what happened next?"-

-"he asks why Yoonji calls me momma but I'm not taken aback by it because it's common for me to be asked that question"-

-"did you...you know, tell him?"-

-"I did. I told him I birthed Yoonji. I figured that there was no need to beat around the bush so that if he wanted our, he could leave soon before my heart got attached to him. You know I have that issue"-

-"what did he say?"-

-"he was just shook so he asked if the question was encroaching on my personal details so I tell him it's okay"-

-"then I ask him what he thinks of intersex people and guess what he tells me?"-


-"he said that he thought it was pretty hot"-

-"omg hyung~ you are definitely getting laid soon"-

-"Tae, is that all you can think of? If anything you are the one who needs some lay soon because of how your mind keeps going into the gutter"- Yoongi whines

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