Ch. 18

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Ella woke up the next morning to soft tweets. It was a normal occurrence for her; much preferred over an alarm clock. She opened her eyes and saw her bluebird and cardinal friends on her pillow.

Ella: Hmm, good morning, you two. Thank you for the wake-up call.

Her feathered friends tweeted again, then perched at the foot of the bed. Ella inhaled deep and stretched. Then she heard grunts and shouts from the backyard.

It was Y/N in his morning practice. It usually consisted of a combination of spell work and shadow fights. It still surprised her how far he came from all those months ago, even if there was a sometimes lackadaisical approach to his classes.

Yen Sid did not approve.

Ella watched from her balcony as Y/N gathered the blue fire of Azure Flame into his hands, threw it skyward, then saw it explode like fireworks.

Ella: A wonderful display, Y/N!

The young sorcerer turned after he heard the applause. A smile came to Y/N's face when he saw Ella on the porch.

Y/N: Thanks, Ella. Feels easier using the Azure Flame now. Though, using it at full strength?

Ella: Perhaps another time, Y/N. Just continue to follow Master Yen Sid.

She's right, you know. Remember the last time you jumped the gun. His scars twinged; still haven't forgotten that day.

Y/N: Don't worry. I'm sure he'll have me learning full control soon.

Ella: Until then, how about some breakfast? I want to be in Corona early to give Rapunzel her birthday present.

Y/N agreed and went inside to wash up. Ella was very punctual when she wanted to be somewhere. And who could blame her? It's been a while since she last saw her other partner.

After they ate, the two changed into their outfits for the day. Ella wore a white sweater and light blue jean capris, while Y/N went with a F/C shirt, his favorite jacket, and jeans.

Ella wondered if Anna would be at the party tomorrow, or perhaps, her big sister, too? Another thought came to mind as Y/N put on his Sling Ring.

Ella: Do you think she's okay? Rapunzel, I mean.

Y/N: She seemed okay yesterday. Maybe....I'm not really sure. I think it's really eating her up.

Ella: It makes sense, given everything that's happened.

He opened his portal to outside on Rapunzel's balcony.

Ella: She found out her dad might be lying to her, an old friend is back and- Rapunzel!

He looked up and saw Rapunzel, asleep and hung in the air by....her hair? It was grown out to insane lengths and wrapped around the turret of her tower room. She woke with a gasp, then the grip of her hair started to slip. Y/N quickly ran to catch Rapunzel, but his knees buckled and they both hit the ground. Ella quickly ran over to the pair.

Y/N: Blondie, are you okay!?

Ella: Dear, what happened?

Rapunzel: I-I don't know. What....?

Her gaze followed the length of the castle turret, then past the balcony rail to the rising sun. Ella laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. Rapunzel inhaled deeply and leaned against Ella, surprising her partner with a side hug.

Ella felt Rapunzel tremble. Her gentle nature kicked in as she began to stroke her partner's now incredibly long hair.

Ella: It's okay, Rapunzel. We're here.

Hero of The Star- Disney/ Marvel x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें