Ch. 17

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The Fortress

Y/N felt uneasy while he sat in a brightly lit interrogation room. Across from him sat the boy, no older than fourteen.

How does he get involved in high level assassination?

Y/N: So. You wanted to see me?

He didn't get an answer, just a blank stare. The teen's eyes seemed to shimmer an unnatural shade of blue. Quite the contrast against the red jumpsuit he currently wore.

Y/N: What do you want? How do you know my name?

??: ....We know a lot about you. Like that you are the "Hero of The Star."

Y/N shuddered. That voice didn't sound normal. Sure, it might to those behind the glass. To him, it sounded like....someone else was there.

Y/N: Yeah? What about it? I might know a thing about you, too.

??: Unlikely. You're just a fledgling sorcerer. New to this world, naïve to what's in store....even blinded by those around you.

Y/N raised an eyebrow and looked back at the glass. What does he mean? Blinded by who? By....No, they're just trying to get to me.

Y/N: You trying to scare me? Nice one. Now why am I here? What do you want with Corona?

The teen chuckled in a way that sent a chill down Y/N's spine.

??: Consider this an introduction to our coven. As for Corona? This is a reminder the Children of Zhan are still out there.

Y/N: Yeah, a real bunch of great guys, trying to kill the king. What should I take from that, besides the fact they're a bunch of run-of-the-mill terrorists using child soldiers?

??: Like I said: so naïve. This group isn't just a garden variety kind. Their message and drive is much loftier than anyone you know.

He had enough. Whoever they really were, Y/N was done with the teen puppet.

Y/N: All this talk of power and bringing it back, so why use the kid!?

??: Him? Oh, he's more a reminder to the royals.

Y/N: What does that mean?

??: You want to know?

They both leaned in closer.

Y/N: Tell me. Now.

??: Ask your precious princess.

With that, Y/N saw the dark blue shimmer leave the teen's eyes before they rolled back and his head hit the table.

He's not....Y/N slowly reached forward to find a pulse and was relieved to feel it. Still alive. Thank god.

The teen stirred and slowly raised his head.

??: W-What? W-Where am I?

Y/N: Easy, kid. You're in Corona. In The Fortress, unfortunately.

??: The F-Fortress? But, why?

He looked down and saw his hands in cuffs. A growing sense of dread fell over him.

??: W-What? What did I do? I-I'm innocent!

Y/N: I'm sure. Don't worry. My name's Y/N, I'm here to help with that. Do you remember your name?

Varian: V-Varian. Varian Galanis.

Y/N: Okay, Varian. Does the name "Children of Zhan" ring a bell?

He looked at the table, trying to remember.

Hero of The Star- Disney/ Marvel x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now