Chapter 29

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'Skylar's sick' Marcelle eyes me 'yeah, but she doesn't have a fever' Skylar has been in bed since yesterday, i was confused when she didn't want her milk so we lay down, five minutes into her chatting away she was yawning then out like a light 'you can't take her to a doctor' i shake my head 'well... hire a private one' i look at him 'i have thought about that but... i dont know one' Marcelle barks a laugh 'how can you not know that' his shoulders shake 'well i haven't been injured' i frown 'well, we do have one' my eye brows raise 'i'll give her a call' i squint 'she can be trusted' he rolls his eyes 'of course, she has been dealing with us for about two years' i still eye him 'ok..'.

Marcelle heads to the door an hour later, in walks a woman in her early twenties. thin with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, a bag on her back her brunette hair in a pony tail and a pair of black framed glasses showing her green eyes 'mr Black' she smiles 'Hillary' i shake her hand 'nice to meet you' i say politely 'i am told your girlfriend is sick' she eyes me 'follow' i turn going upstairs where Skylar is.

"Listen' i abruptly stop making Hillary bump into me 'Skylar, is twenty three' she fixes her glasses 'ok' frowning 'but she..' i breathe 'mr Black' she puts her hand on my arm 'Marcelle explained. i do not judge. what i do is off the record, you keep all files i take nothing home with me' i eye her 'i have dealt with littles before' she smiles 'i also work for Marcelle's cousin' i look away 'Skylar is different to his' i sort of grit 'it's ok' she removes her hand 'let me meet her' i bite my lip but sigh 'wait here a moment' i turn opening the door popping my head in 'she's still sleeping' i whisper to myself 'does she sleep alot' Hillary asks 'well not usually but lately yes' she nods 'let me in, it will be eaiser when shes not really in it' i look back 'if she gets fustrated you stop' she nods before i step into the room Hillary following, she walks to the bed taking her bag off and bends, her hand goes to Skylar's forhead 'no fever' she looks to me 'that is why i am worried' she bites her lip 'has she threw up' i nod, meaning from when she told me, 'Skylar' she says softly taking her hand 'hu' Skylar stirr's her eyes flutter open as she still's her pacifer hangs from her lips 'yo' she frowns 'hi Skylar, i am Hillary' Skylar frowns more 'hilly' Hillary smiles then nods 'are you still feeling sick' Skylar nods the pacifier drops 'me wan my daddy' Hillary looks at me and Skylar's eyes follow 'oh' she sits up and does grabbie hands, walking over i sit on the bed 'i can take her bloods' Skylar puts her legs over my waist her head goes to my shoulder 'is that sanitary' Hillary nods 'yes i have all the tools' i look down at Skylar 'i am not comfortable her blood going anywhere' Hillay looks at me 'i have no other way of know' suddenly a sound comes from Skylar and vomit goes down me 'oh' i lift her and carry her to the bathroom, settling her to the toilet 'let it out baby' i hold her hair 'could it be a bug' i look back at Hillary 'have you two been sexual activity' she asks 'not for a few weeks when she was herself' i frown and look back down at Skylar who wants back on my lap 'hm' she goes to her bag 'have her take this' i look at her hand seeing a pregnancy test making me frown even more 'is she on anything' blank is all i feel 'i.. dont know' truthfully we never talked about it, i didn't care for using protection, shes the only woman who will have me 'help her take it, i'll go make some coffee and a herbel tea for Skylar it helps the sickness' i take the box before she leaves 'daddy' Skylar whispers and i am just frozen 'daddy need wee' Skylar says while yawning 'okay baby, but wait' i say while reading the box, i can see her dancing from the side of my eye holding between her legs 'fuck' i whisper but turn and put the box under my arm out before i kneel and pull Skylar's pj pants down, he heart is beating hard while she sits down 'part your legs for me baby' i say, she does and i set the test under her 'wee now' some goes on my hand but i don't care i have even drank her, the memories makes me smile 'good girl' i remove the test and put the cap on it 'wha that daddy' she takes some tissue 'it is to test your wee' she stops 'me sick' frowning she then wipes her self as i read the box 'i don't know baby' my heart beat is going crazy, pregnant.. i never thought of it before. but 'i love you Skylar' i look at her 'and and me lov you' she chirps 'me bush teef' she flushes the toilet 'have a shower first' she nods and starts to undress, my eyes scanning the back of the box 'two lines' i whisper looking at the test it is still doing its work but my eyes squint, faint but i do see two lines 'let go let gooo' Skylar steps into the shower and turns it on but my whole focus is on the test as the two lines come 'we are pregnant' i whisper.

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