Chapter 21

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the past two days have been rough, Skylar has completely shut me out

according to Marcelle it is called a little space, like hiding in the corner of their mind, after she got mad at me, i did go and make her a bottle, in which she took. it broke my heart seeing her crying but i just choose to show my support and stay by her side instead of getting her talk, when she fell asleep i went to bed and cuddled her

i miss her, the house sounds and feels so quiet even if it has only been a few days, i am still unpacking and have left her toys so we can unpack them together, i just try to give her the space she needs and not get to close to make her agitated, i miss her voice though, how she laughs and her whole body shakes with her as tears pool down her temples, shit i'd even let her draw on the walls without punishment at this point i just want her back

'mr Black' i am snapped from my thinking from one of the property team leaders, there has been some land that went up for sale and i see it as a good investment, i dont want Fredrick to get his hands on it so it is why i came in today, i left Skylar with Marcelle, when i woke up she was not in the bed panic took over but when i got downstairs she was laying on the couch with her bottle watching Frozen , her sweet lisp whispering the part when Elisa sings let it go, i smiled sadly remembering the time she made me sing it, a guy like me knowing kids stuff doesn't bother me at all, to see her smile and hearing her 'yeyey' is everything maybe i have got more attached than i thought i would
it did hurt that Marcelle was the one to do her morning but i didn't let him know that it is not his fault and i know he couldn't refuse her
'mr Black'...
fuck, i clear my throat and straighten i need to come back to the room mentally
all eyes look at me nervously, i exhale. 'buy it' i stand 'and what do we'
'we can think on that when the time comes, it will need turned over and layed out anyways' the property leader named Susan nods 'dismissed' i wave my hand before taking my phone out and calling Marcelle

'she is asleep'
!has she said anything'
'no, but..'
'words Marcelle words' i snap
'have you noticed her eyes are darker' i frown 'you stare at her' he tuts
'no Xander, i just noticed when i went to check on her when you left, the light was on her face' my lips thin 'well she hasn't let me look at her the past days' i mumble
'maybe it is just me thinking it'
'i'll bring her some food home' is all i say and hang up 'Jack' i call for my assistant while i grab my breifcase 'yes sir'
'am on call if you need me' he nods 'of course'.

Arriving home the house is still quiet Mcdonald's bags in hand i head straight for the living room, i slow down and see Skylar is colouring in... i take a breath

'hey baby' she doesn't respond with any body language or voice so i step in
'got you nuggies' i sit beside her on the floor 'are you hungry' it takes a moment but she nods 'alot alot' it is a whisper but i'll take it 'then lets eat, hm' i take her nuggets out and place them next to her 'sauce'
'yeah' i smile small, just being this close meaning so much
'yo eat' she looks at me and i am taking back, Marcelle was right her eyes have gone darker
'uh yeah baby, i got nuggies to' she smiles a little 'annd' i take the strawberry milkshake 'your favourite'
'fankyo' she moves a little closer as one of my legs are crossed and the other bent behind her 'here you go' i push them a little closer after applying the sauce, she takes one and bites into it before colouring again 'i have missed you' she chews faster 'don't rush baby, i want time with you' i stroke her arm 'otay' she finishes then swallows 'me mis yo' she looks at me, we stare for what feels like forever before i see her eyes gloss over
'tell me baby' she bites her lip 'me no wan yo be lik anufur' i frown a little 'me want yo alway be me' i process her words, finally understanding 'baby' i take a straw
'i did not mean to upset you' i pop the straw in her milkshake 'i would never lie to you, it is why i said those things' i eye her wondering if she can understand 'yo care me'
'care for you alot Skylar i would never leave you to do it alone' a tear slips from the corner of her eye
'oh baby' my hand comes the side of her cheek, my thumb running over her tear 'i am yours' i say, her lips part 'do you know what that means' she looks down at the milkshake 'yo my daddy' i move my hand down and circle it around her waist as her hands take the drink on my lap she lays her head on my shoulder 'it means, that i am your everything you could ever love, ever need.. i will always be there to make you smile, laugh. play, to feel comfortable like a soothe, to make you feel safe, anything you need you can always ask me for' her sucks on the straw stop before her face comes up to me 'yo my boyfend' i smile taking in her beauty 'yes baby i am' her eyes roam my face 'my king' i smile bigger before leaning in 'and hopefully' i inhale her lips, fuck how i have missed her 'one day your husband' her breath hitches 'me be in pwincess dress' i nod 'mhm' her baby blues gleam, swirlling. we stay like this for around a few minutes my eyebrows frown as her features become... relaxed almost normal 'you are everything to me' i continue before i feel her arm move, i am about to look until she crashes to me, her arms coming around my neck.. 'Xander'..
my eyes completely widen.

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