Chapter 14

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's-sorry ba-baby' i choke 'yo' she muffles in my shoulder but i can't let go, she is the only thing holding me back. i dont want to fall, i dont want to be that person
'daddy' Skylar whispers 'yo ned yo baby' she hugs tighter and fuck do i, we sit like this for a little longer as Skylar starts to hum a sweet tune i soon realise is from the barbie film she loves.

I take a breath, the dam subsides as we still sit on the floor Skylar's hand in my stubble her eyes looking up at me 'my daddy cry' she frowns
'y-yes baby' i breathe through the rasp of my voice
'yo nee sooth' she lifts going to standing 'tum' she then takes my hand as i weakly get up feeling my phone vibrating i ignore it, i dont have the energy
'where we going baby' she looks back at me 'snackiessss' she grins making my heart melt, she does not understand a thing but i dont want her to 'i got some in the bags' i point to the bag as we get to the bottom of the foyer 'yey yey' she bounces to the bags just as Katherine walks in 'oh my god' she breathes rushing to Skylar taking her face 'you are okay' my weak state just stares at her, the anger there in my chest but my throat to sore 'uh hu but but me help my daddy' Skylar takes the bag with the snacks and lifts them to the kitchen 'oh mr Black' Katherine stills like she never saw me, maybe she didn't, i dont know, 'where were you' i frown as she takes in my pathetic state 'i was going to take Skylar to the village to get some fresh berries for some pies she asked to make but one of your men said it was their duty to keep her inside, he showed me his id' i frown more 'name' she goes to thinking 'Micheal' the name does not ring a bell, but then again i dont really know all of my mens names. i take my phone from my pocket, Marcelle has tried to call alot. i call him back, and confirms we do have a Micheal that works for me 'get a search party for him' i hang up 'stay with Skylar. only you. and Katherine, none of my men have never been allowed to watch Skylar.. ever' her lips part 'i am so sorry mr Black' i ignore her and head back upstairs, coming back to the room i see it the id badge on the floor 'why no pictures' i snap before putting it in my pocket the room feeling. thin, disgusting. i hate this house now, is all my mind can think as i go back down stairs contemplating
'NO.. me wan do for my daddy' Skylar's shout echos 'okay okay' Katherine says 'he mine' she says the words with possession making my heart pinch, this cracks a small smile on my lips as i enter the kitchen
'sir' Katherine says like a robot making my hands go to my temples 'it is okay, you can go home' she looks at Skylar then me 'i would like to stay if that is okay' i see it the guilt in her eyes 'what you did was stupid but you didn't know' she looks down 'Skylar has become a good part of my life aswell you mr Black' i nod 'take any room you want' i walk to Skylar as she prepares sandwiches, well what looks like them my hand goes to the back of her neck as i rub her delicate skin just watching, feeling lost 'this house is not safe' i say with a shaky breath 'i'll make you a tea' Katherine says and to be honest it actually sounds soothing i need something on my throat 'and and me sanditch' Skylar says while concentrating, her tongue then sticks out as she cuts the crusts 'my sweet baby' i lean down and wrap my arms around her waist, inhaling her hair 'tha man no god he made my daddy cry' she says harshly 'me wil, me wil kick him' she turns in my arms 'won't me daddy' her baby blues full of fight i lean in and nuzzle my nose with hers 'i fucking love you' 'huu' she goes to say something and i know it is because i cursed, but i capture her lips 'mmm' she melts into me before i pull away 'let's eat your sandwiches' 'and and crippys' she turns back with a flushed blush 'and crippys' i repeat just as Katherine brings my tea 'how long will the house take' i exhale 'another couple of months at best' she nods taking Skylar's bear crisps 'here just..' my face goes to disgust 'well, you and Skylar can always stay at mine' this makes me frown 'ah, you thought i was a cottage lady' she smiles a little 'well, yeah actually' i frown more as she chuckles lightly 'no, mr Black' 'it is only for a few months' i say and she nods 'enough time to sell up' i frown again 'i will become your live in, today put alot into perspective for me' she looks at Skylar who chews away on her sandwich 'we need to keep the little one safe' i exhale again 'i will, with my life'.

'yo like watc shek' Skylar says as she lays on my lap, my hand in hers as she strokes my fingers 'mhm, i like to watch with you' i nuzzle her hair. today has been exhausting my mind can not waver at all, Marcelle respects and gives no detail of that asshole i don't want to know. yet i have not give the call for his life, i hate him. but i dont know what is stopping me. 'huu' Skylar sighs while turning in my arms her baby blues looking at me 'what is it baby' i bring my thumb to her lips, 'me wan' she looks down shy and i be patient just stroking her face my eyes entranced 'uh' she then plays with Rhina's dress out of nerves 'baby' i say softly her eyes come to me 'words' i whisper, she breathes 'me wan. uh make yo feel god' i still 'yo do me wh..' her eyes land on my lips 'ba' 'me do a- alot' her voice goes a little husked and i blink, i mean it is not wrong but 'yo wan yo baby' she moves up coming inches from my lips her breathing fanning me.. my dick stirs 'yes' i comes from within me even knowing my mind is fighting a silent battle, she smiles 'me make yo feel beter' she gets up 'baby' i take her hand. her face goes to a sadness and i.. 'pweese' she whispers 'do you know what to do' i eye her and she goes shy her cheeks heating before she shakes her head 'so why do you ask' her eyes come back to me 'me wan help yo like yo do me' i sigh 'yo show me' she moves onto me to straddle my lap, her hands come to my chest as she leans in her breathing picking up 'yo ache lik me' she whispers getting closer, i nod lifting my hips so she can feel how she is making me feel 'me wan see yo' she then looks down her hands following and i just watch not doing or saying anything. as she pops the button and pulls the zipper down, moving back her fingers brush over the material that outlines my strained manhood, 'fuck' i exhale even her touch without it being skin 'can me see' her eyes flick to me through her lashes and it doesn't help, my chest claws to pin her down and fuck her senseless but i wont, instead i lift us and pull my pants and breifs down my cock springs out, her eyes widen 'oh' i settle my hands on her thighs, i love to watch her, everything she does is memorising 'yo big' she breathes, but her eyes are full of awe 'baby' i bite my lip 'yeah' her eyes stay fixated 'have you saw, uh one before' she goes shy 'nuh-uh' my eyes widen a little 'me peek yo' she giggles 'yo shower' my eye brow raises 'you little sneak' my hands move and tickle her, her head flings back 'but but yo' she cries so i stop 'yo no lik tha in showet' her laugh dies down, as her eyes lock with mine 'yo stunning daddy' she then grins, using my words to her on my self, 'my sweet baby' i pull her in crashing us together, my tongue slips past her lips as i swirl her sweet moans, i know it is not wrong what she wants, yes she is a little but she knows what she desires and she will be curious on things and her own wants especially when she is attracted to me 'tonight..' i pull us away and go to her neck 'i want to sleep with you and Rhina, daddy is sleepy' she leans to me sighing 'you make me feel good just being next to me' i kiss her neck 'me ove yo daddy' she whispers 'and i love you princess' truthfully i want then moments with just us, knowing my men are just about makes me feel like Skylar is exposed. i want her safe, in our space to do things like that, besides i am exhausted i just want her close to my heart and sleep 'come on lets get your soothes' she nods before yawning as we get up, i put my pants back together before i take her hand as we head to the kitchen 'mr Black' Katherine smiles 'we go bed' Skylar says 'milk' Katherine smiles as Skylar nods going to her stool stepping on it and taking a fresh pacifier, i lean on the counter 'get a good sleep in you sir' i nod looking at my watch it is ten thirty 'i have never been so tierd' i say 'you have alot on your mind, but soon better things will come' Katherine smiles handing Skylar her bottle before i straighten and pluck Skylar from the ground 'night' i say to Katherine 'good night' she replies.

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