Chapter 19

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'SKYLAR' i hear from the house 'Xander' Marcelle try's to grab me but i yank from his hold, fuck waiting and fuck a plan
i march to the door
'Xander we have to think incase he has a gun' Marcelle makes me halt 'he could shoot Skylar' my mouth scowls more at the thought but i know he is right 'so what do we do' i snap before we hear footsteps echo
i go to the glass that is near the door and put my hands up to look through it seeing Casey walking to a door 'we have his men he wont be able to get help but it only takes one gun Xander' i hate when he's right
i inhale and close my eyes before i lean back straighting
after a moment i regain my self 'sh' i put my finger to my lip and carefully open the door, not a creak in sight i step in slowly 'NOW' Casey snaps and i hear the whimpering of Skylar, holding back urges to rip is fucking head off
i walk more 'right' the sound of storming comes before the sounds of Skylar, i know all to well in her ballet flats running

'wher my daddy'

'daddy's right here baby'.


Now i stand my eyes fixed hard on Casey 'hm, not so impressived you found me, let me guess... April' i say nothing every word coming from his lips fuels me, Casey then laughs going to his back and brings out a pistol, pointing it at Skylar's shaking form in my arms 'give her here' he smirks 'what do you want with her' his smirk flatters a little 'ransom' i frown 'for what' he clicks his fingers 'give her to me' i scowl 'answer my fucking question' i snap and he goes to thought 'you look like him' his eyes look down for a moment 'who' he looks back 'Xavier' wrong word to ever say to me

i snarl before turning quick putting Skylar behind me then grabbing my gun from its holster 'fuck him' i seethe 'no fuck you Xander do you know the fucking pain that your family caused him' he yells 'the pain he caused my sister' i walk forward as Marcelle takes Skylar 'you have no idea' not even caring i finish my steps the gun to his head my eyes stinging with sheer hatrid 'you were a child' he says lowly and i growl ' i was there, everynight when he..'
i push the gun to his forhead 'Skylar is a twenty three year old woman' he says 'but she has another side' he finishes, my eyes look down before i turn seeing Skylar in Marcelles arms frowning 'but you think it is right' his voice comes to my ear 'what your brother did was not wrong' this makes me snap back, i turn slowly back to him our eyes colliding
'the difference is' i move in to his ear
'her just breathing is enough for me to love her'
he frowns at me
'and she's not my sister'
i rip the gun away then connect it to his jaw in one hit making him crash to the floor i kneel taking his face in my hand
'be careful what you say to me regarding the topic Casey because it's one i will happily kill for'
every word makes him flinch
'Marcelle!' i let go of his face
'just- talk to him' Casey breathes
'take him' i stand

'stand with Micheal' i hear Marcelle say and then his footsteps come to me before Casey is ripped from the floor

'daddy' Skylar runs to me leaping on my back before circling to my front 'yo otay' her face comes to my blurry vision, i blink and my hands roam her making sure she has not been hurt 'did he touch you' my voice brakes 'no daddy me tol him yo kick him' she smiles then crashes her self to me her arms going around my neck, fuck how i hold her tight
'me lov yo' she whispers.

'This does not feeling like a home anymore' i scowl leaning on the kitchen island, my darkness faded the moment Skylar was safe in my arms, a relief as i hate that side to me

in the past it was never so lighly, most of the blood on my hand is from it

'you have the town house that is in the city' i come back slowly before sighing, i know this but 'i want her to have fun, to have a home that she can be safe in to have eveything she needs and wants, to never need for anything'
my chest cracks, i'm realising that before Skylar i never truly saw how dangerous my lifestyle is

'you've done that in the new plans'
'i know but what if that house doesnt become safe Marcelle' he looks down from my desperate eyes 'so what d..'
'i dont know' my hands fly to my temples

'dont take what he said to heart' my eyes open 'about her.. stage' i sigh and sit
'dont know what he meant about Xavier, i dont do that to Skylar' i scowl as he nods

'i havent even had sex with her' Marcelle eyes me
'you havent' i shake my head 'i dont care for my pleasure, i just want her to feel safe and know how i love to adore her' he nods 'still, you are not like that Xander, what you and Skylar have is special. a bond like no other, shit she told him you would kick him' he laughs

'shes tough, and you rub of on her in more ways than one, shes fine and will be we will make sure of that' i bite my thumb nail looking at him as he speaks 'she wasn't was she' he shakes his head 'but that doesnt mean she should be in them situations' i nod at that, fuck i never want her in them

'how' i clear my throat 'how is Xavier' he looks at me 'a mess, but still breathing'
'tell the guys to get him fixed up, a bath food and rest.. ready for my visit i need him mobile so i can get anything out of him'

'what will you do if Casey was right' i shrug
'no idea but for now i just need sleep in me' he nods 'get men at all doors tomorrow we will leave for the town house i want this place selt asap' he nods as we stand, i got to the steriliser
making a quick bottle up, i put Skylar to bed after we had a bath she told me about what happened, Marcelle is right she is tough but i never want her in danger but yet my life brung that twice

Katherine left and no i dont feel bad about it, she was the one who offered to help me with Skylar when i had work but yet she couldn't keep her safe, her age doesn't allow it so from now on Skylar will never leave my side, ever. 

I get to our room and slip in the sounds of Skylar flutters as i place the teet between my teeth and take off my pjs pants of before i climb under the sheets 'da' she goes to say but i slip the bottle between her lips 'mmm' she moves closer and snuggles me, my eyes just watch my ears listen 'you're mine baby girl' i move a little closer so our faces are level the bottle between us, i stroke her fingers and watch her beauty, she's the only soft side to me but today is evident that she's also my dark side to...
'no one is touch you but me' i whisper before closing my eyes.

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