Chapter 10

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i was twelve, laying in bed my stomach churning as i stared into the darkness with teary eyes the muffled cries, the hushed grunts...

'Xander' i am snapped from my horror thoughts as Marcelle eyes me
'we know their location' he nods 'then..'
'no, not you' he says and my eyes squint
'you have to be here, we have men at all squares of the house' house, does not even feel like a home anymore, Skylar is the only thing that puts life into it but now that.. he could know about the house i just feel anger..
'Ok' i breathe
'SKYLAR' the sudden voice of Ivy rings through the house followed with Skylar's laugher and running footsteps before the door swings open 'she come she come' Skylar runs to me as i push my chair out, leaping into my arms she nuzzles my neck 'where is sh' Ivy stops short when her eyes land on me and Skylar
'what happened' Marcelle eyes her
'she pushed the casserole that i have just spent time cooking on floor'
'me no wan yo hoible food' Skylar shouts near my ear and Ivys face scowls 'what do you want' i look down at Skylar 'me wan sirfy' she looks up at me with her baby blues 'chicken' i grin my hand running through her hair, thinking back.. that it was the first meal i made for her 'uh hu but but sh say no' she frowns
'did she ask you before you made the casserole' i look over at Ivy who stands sulking knowing she can't lie 'yes..' our eyes locked she soon shifts 'i'll make it' she turns learning

'fankyo' Skylar nuzzles me 'my little devil, hm' i chuckle my chest calming having her close 'Xander' marcelle says 'just keep tabs' he sighs but nods standing
'yo go' Skylar says frowning at Marcelle
'i have to little one' he says with a smile before the door closes 'you like marcelle' i ask
'mhm, he kind me lik yo'
'is Katherine not kind'
'mhm but but she bosy to'
'baby sometimes she has to be, remember you have to behave'
'no her' she scowls looking at the door knowing she means Ivy, i chuckle 'my sweet girl' i hug her tighter and raspberry her cheek making her laugh sound the room
'we will go on an adventure in a few days'
her hand rubs through my stubble
'oh oh lik dory' i smile 'yes, me you and rhina... and marcelle' she brightens
'look' i open the draw and pull out the plans i have been doing for a new build on a 'hous' she frowns leaning in 'for me and you'
'but but we here' i nod
'we need a change baby' i sigh.

soon Skylar is out like a light for a nap after her stirfry, in which i stand at the kitchen door watching as Ivy moves around cleaning

'do you have a problem' i brake the silence making her jump
'Xa- Mr Black' she looks down 'uh, no i..'
'when Skylar asked you for something you ignored her' she looks up
'casserole is your favourite'
'no actually, stirfry is' her lips part as i push of the door 'i am your boss, but this is Skylar's home aswell. anything' i pause on that word 'she asks for, you do' she squints slightly 'so you two are'..'
'none of your buisness' i say coldly
'do your job, go home... repeat' she swallows before nodding 'good' i turn and leave
maybe i was abit harsh but she needs to know Skylar's place in my life and especially in the house, making it clear was the only way but it still didn't do my mind any calm...
he is still there, how he found me i am not sure maybe because of Casey, we are rivals for ground at one point, me being the one who likes to just have peace in life, Casey is opposite he likes to make scenes have people know what he is, me hardly noone knows they just see me as the CEO of Black ink which i wanted not only that i hide my true self, it is a cliché but my sadist is vile it even scares me Marcelle has saw it with his own eyes, i am an asshole but he knows it is light compare to that others just hear the stories Casey pushes me but i can tolorate a jackass like that, but Xavier i cant, what he did was.. 'fuck' i run my hands over my face before grabbing the glass and the whiskey going to office chair, he was the reason i found my sister Crystal in the bathtub, cold and pale.

Crystal opened up to our mother about Xavier, i was only young but i tried to be on her side, my mother brushed me of after that she was deemed in the house, home schooled but worse stuck with Xavier who would sneak from school to be with her alone
i knew this i knew it all i was a kid the youngest of us, noone believed that i had to lay there and listen to it at night, her own brothe...
my heart feels like it is suffocating, i could have never done that, my mothers words haunt me 'even seeking attention in death'
it made my anger boil, i eventually ran away. i couldn't be there without Crystal, i ended up in a back alley of some bar where i met Marcelle, he was a kid that would do some deals for a man named Jackson, i followed in his steps making my self money and got a roof over my head, later i got a job at a local deli following to collage both me and Marcelle made Jackson proud but the poor guy died to some deals going wrong.
So we did buisness admin, our degrees and my plans for Black ink all come into plan now i sit a millionaire
yes i do my own stuff on the side, but it was to carry on for Jackson, Marcelle looked up to him more as they shared something like a father son thing so when it come to having the money he was fucking happy that we never lost the docks, it is why i trust Marcelle with my life we are brothers even if i am an asshole to him, the money though, maybe that is why Xavier is back, i am not so sure but it doesn't matter even his name makes my insides vomit, i dont hate anyone as much as i hate him
never once was there guilt in his eyes for Crystal and if i have to avenge her i will, believe me i fucking will.


i am sorry if this makes you's uncomfortable, it is trigger even for my self. but Xander is a character with skeletons. (i didnt write the full word incase, it was not allowed)

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