Cruel Words - Sequel (part 1)

Start from the beginning

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Hongjoong glanced at Seonghwa nervously, and saw that his friend was staring back at him with the same worried expression. He felt someone tug at his sleeve, and turned to see Mingi beside him.

"Hyung, do something," Mingi begged him. "He is being too harsh on the maknae."

Hongjoong glanced back to where he could see Jongho standing in the sound booth. The maknae was showing obvious signs of being stressed, as he ran an agitated hand through his hair.

"Again," EDEN commanded for what seemed like the 20th time.

Jongho blink back his frustrated tears, and attempted the line again.

"You are messing up that last note still," EDEN interrupted, cutting him off. "Just stop and get out here for a moment."

Jongho didn't move for a long moment. He didn't even look through the glass at anyone. He just stood there, his hands on his hips and his head bowed, as he sucked in deep breaths and exhaled slowly. 

He's trying not to cry, Hongjoong realised. Jongho was clearly not messing up on purpose. His thoughts broke off as Jongho exited the booth and came out to stand in front of their producer.

EDEN eyed him thoughtfully. In truth he didn't understand the situation either. Jongho always entered that booth and straight up delivered his lines with ease and perfection. Almost as if he had eaten CDs for breakfast as the fans claimed.

"Are you even trying, Jongho?" he asked, coming across a lot harsher than he really meant to. He was tired. Everyone was. Jongho had been in the booth three times longer than everyone else had. What they had all thought would be an in-and-out quick process, had dragged into hours of frustration. "This isn't even as high as you normally go. Is it too easy for you now? Do you think this is below you or something? Why aren't you giving your best for this?"

Jongho bowed his head, but not before his members had seen the tears trickling down his cheeks and dropping to the floor. "I am sorry, hyung."

"If you are sorry, go in there and get it right then," EDEN snapped. His head was killing him. He had been trying to hold his temper back for so long, that now it was boiling over.

Jongho went to obey, but Hongjoong quickly rose to his feet. "Sorry, hyung. But can we take a quick break? Just let him rest for a few moments, and we will get it sorted."

EDEN shook his head, before reaching out to shut down his computer. "Forget it. Go back to the dorm and I will see Jongho again tomorrow. There is no point in continuing when we are all frustrated and angry."

He got to his feet, wished them all a safe ride home, and left them there in the studio alone. The members all glanced awkwardly at each other, wanting to comfort Jongho, but not wanting to make him any more uncomfortable with the situation.

Hongjoong decided to take charge. "You guys go wait in the van. I want to talk to Jongho for a moment. Just tell the driver, we will be there soon."

The others nodded, before filing out the door, and leaving Hongjoong and Jongho in the studio alone together. Hongjoong turned to face the maknae. It pulled on his heartstrings to see Jongho like this. The maknae didn't often get upset, and usually preferred to be alone over seeking out comfort. So, seeing him like this told Hongjoong that something was causing him a lot of pain.

"Jongho-ah, tell me what is going on. Something is hurting you, and I can only help you if you talk to me."

Jongho shook his head, but the movement seemed to open something, and he sobbed out loud.

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