Chapter 1: The Witch

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Throughout human history, one of the many ideas brought up again and again is the concept of magic. From the vast amount of mythologies to religion to even witches in the 1600s. At least one of these has genuine truth to it.

You see, the dimension of Earth is not the only one to exist in the universe. There are many other existing ones, but for the purpose of this story, the most important one is the Boiling Isles. There, the carcass of a Titan lays, giving life a chance to survive its boiling seas that can give third degree burns from close proximity alone.

Here, the witches and demons and other magical creatures live in harmony... at least, as much as they can get. Like anywhere else, conflict keeps the world from Unity.

We won't stay here too long, but there is something you need to understand. Worlds are meant to stay separate for a reason. Combining them only causes trouble.


The town of Bonesborough was silent this night, with only the occasional bird chirping to break it. Perfect for a rescue.

A figure landed on the top of a building, and began to sprint across the roof. They quickly reached the other side, and leapt to another building. This continued for the next few minutes, until finally they stopped and began to crouch.

Just below, a pink-skinned woman in traditional witch clothing was in handcuffs, crying out that she hasn't broken any of the laws (at least that they know of) and should not be arrested. However, it was clear why the two masked guards were preparing to take her in: this was a wild witch, someone who practiced illegal wild nature magic.

The hooded figure finally removed the hood covering their face, revealing a dark-skinned witch.

As the witch witnessed the scene below her, she began drawing a circle.

The circle glowed a bright gold at first, but eventually changed to a tinted green as large vines began crawling out.

The vines traveled down the side of the building at an alarming speed, reaching the guard in mere seconds. Without time to prepare, they were quickly pinned to a nearby wall.

As the woman in cuffs stared in disbelief, the witch from above flew down on a wooden staff. It had a small owl on the end.

The witch drew another circle, heating the cuffs right off, and smiled.

"I'll take you to the Knee. Other wild witches are there." She attempted to reach out.

The traditional witch tensed up. "W-Who are you?"

"Luz Noceda." The owl cam off of the staff, snuggling against her head. She giggled from the touch. "This is Owlbert."

The woman let out a small sigh. "I'm Andrea. So, you mentioned the Knee?"

Minutes later, and the pair were flying on Luz's staff, rushing from guards riding on a strange Dobaduc. The guards riding on its back were shooting off their own spells, attempting to stop the wild witches from escaping.

Andrea turned her head to witness the incoming forces. "Uh, hey Luz... lot of guards following us right now. You got a plan?"

Luz smirked, and began flying lower, between the buildings. She swerved around them, having complete control of the situation. Andrea simply held on for her life, screaming intensely, waiting for that "plan" she asked about.

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