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Perverse Instantiation Part One (15,1)

Clarke didn't even look at Tyra all the way back to the rover, not even when they waited under the plains for it to charge. She could feel her anger and betrayal even from miles away, how she felt that they had been going on an endless hunt, only for just what they had been looking for to be right under their noses.

"Rover's almost charged. We need to pack up. We'll be in Polis soon." Bellamy hopped off the rover's roof only to land right by Tyra, him quickly averting his gaze as he tried to pass by her, but she caught on to his arm.

"Bellamy. Talk to me," He shook his head, trying to free his arm from Tyra's hold, but her grip remained firm.


"You had us travel all this way and nearly be killed dozens of times just because you didn't want to be Commander? You know how many lives would've been saved if you had been honest from the beginning?"

"I never lied. You never asked." Bellamy finally freed his arm from Tyra's hold, for the first time since she met him, he was properly glaring at her.

"Sinclair's life could've been spared. All those people who died on the rig. All those that A.L.I.E killed. They all could've lived if you had spoken up before."

"I'm not a leader like you and Clarke are. I wasn't born to become Commander."

"Tell that to your blood." Bellamy tried walking away, but Tyra pulled him back once again.

"Bellamy, I know you would have done it in a heartbeat because that's who you are. You are brave, selfless, and rise to the occasion whenever it is asked of you. But..,"

Tyra didn't know what else to say, they all sounded like false excuses, a kid wanting to make right for their childish wrongs. She could keep going round and round on her logic, but it would all lead to the same answer that left Bellamy with the same straight look he had been giving her since her blood status came afloat.

"When you were on the Ark, you said you could only have one child, that you spent your entire life shielding Octavia from the crime of existing, so she wouldn't be stuck in a lifetime imprisonment awaiting her death. This is not so different, being Commander is not the privilege it appears to be."

The silence around Tyra was so unsettling that it nearly made her ears pop, not even the birds chirping around her broke the bubble of silence. She hadn't realized they had been arguing so loudly until then, numerous eyes averting from their arguing to pretend they hadn't been listening.

"I get why you did it..," Bellamy's quiet whispers broke through, slowly prying each finger off his forearm. "It's just... Everything would have changed if you had said something early."

"But not necessarily for the better." Bellamy nodded in agreement, hesitating when it came to allowing Tyra's free hand flop back against her side before walking away.

"Maybe not."

Tyra sighed as she watched Bellamy walk away, she knew there was nothing bad hanging between them, not nearly as much as there was with Clarke, who kept ignoring her, but she couldn't quite pinpoint the harsh feeling against her chest as she watched Bellamy leave as she left back to the rover.

There was never any peace to process information when lives were at stake and Tyra had to be the one to save it.

"Is it true that your brothers died because they were Nightbloods?" Tyra nodded, taking a deep breath in to try to control herself while she went to stand by Loukas' side.

"Moussa and Siva. Moussa nearly made it to Commander, he was one of the last two in his conclave, but the other won. And Siva was the first to die in his conclave, barely seventeen. That is why my parents hid me."

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