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Nevermore (11,4)

"Must be hard, learning your brother is a murderer. Your father's murderer, one of the last people remaining from your family, if I'm not mistaken." Tyra looked at Raven, a cold stare like the one she had been giving out before now perfectly fitting on Tyra's face.

"We are all killers. Some for survival, others for pleasure. What Loukas did was for his own survival, I do not blame him,"

Raven tilted her head to the side, almost as if she were scanning Tyra's face for the smallest of reactions, in any way. But she'd find none, Tyra knew how to make herself look deader than a corpse when the time called for it.

"Your name is ALIE, correct? We haven't been properly introduced, I'm Tyra." Raven shot her a pleasant smile, as if old friends were reacquainting themselves with each other.

"I know who you are, Tyra. The warrior, Lexa's lost puppy, Bellamy's girlfriend... Sorry, I meant ex-girlfriend." It took everything in Tyra to not twitch at either Lexa's or Bellamy's name. But she managed.

She remembered Lexa sitting in countless pointless meetings, Tyra always asking her at the end how she managed to look so impartial and careless even when there was an obvious preference and demand that would have to be made.

Lexa always replied with how the trick was to act as if you're having a pleasant conversation while keeping your cool the entire time, not giving anything away even in the twitch of an eyebrow. Tyra was applying those same teachings to Raven, and so far, she'd say it was working.

"I believe our introduction would be fulfilled more if I could see you face to face." Raven tilted her head to the other side.

"You can see me if you join the City of Light,"

Tyra wasn't Lexa, no matter how much she looked up to her. Because while the latter wouldn't move a muscle at anything upsetting, such as whatever city ALIE as Raven was talking about that removed all pains and hardships only to turn them into mindless drones, made Tyra's shoulders tense just long enough for Raven to see.

"What do you have to lose, Tyra? All your family is dead, Lexa is dead, Loukas can join you in the City of Light. You could even have Bellamy back. You could have it all. What's stopping you?" That time around, Tyra didn't reply, only frustrating ALIE further as she couldn't get a proper read on how Tyra's mind worked.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but Clarke and Bellamy seem awfully close for just friends, don't you think? After all, he did risk his life against the Ice Nation just to reach her, has he ever done that for you?"

"I don't need him to do anything to prove his love to me, I know." Raven hummed, even if the seeds of jealousy were planted in Tyra's mind, she doubted she'd let it see fruit in their conversation, so she would have to switch back to the tactic she actually knew to be working. Her family's death and a potential relationship with Bellamy.

"Very well. I'll tell you what, imagine what it would be like to not see the faces of your brothers, of your mother and father constantly. Have a good night's sleep that isn't filled with the pain of having to relieve them dying over and over again. Wouldn't that be lovely?" Tyra said nothing.

"Don't you want to be able to look at Bellamy without thinking of everything that happened? Just a clean slate for the two of you to live together. If you get me Clarke's technology, I might even be able to bring Lexa back," Tyra still didn't react, turning ALIE's attempts to convince her even more desperate.

"You could have anything you want in the City of Light, maybe even a family of your own. Wouldn't you want that, Tyra?" She finally broke, allowing her fists to clench by her side while she stared down at her feet.

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