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Wanheda Part Two (2,1)

They spent hours locked inside the rover, even when the tree rolled over the hatch and the sun rose in the sky. The group still remained inside the rover, coming up with various ideas to storm their way out. But they all ended up with someone getting hurt or worse, so none were acted on.

All together, the group gathered in the back of the rover, two of the three Trikru warriors twirling their knives between their fingers while the third, Loukas, took over the entirety of the space between the two seats, his arm over his eyes while he attempted, and succeeded at sleeping, a loud snore echoing every once in a while.

"It's been three hours. What are they waiting for?"

"For us to come out. It's easier to wait than straight-up attack us." Tyra twisted her knife once more, nearly dropping the knife above her brother, before she caught the hilt right over his stomach and pulled it back up.

"Even with the light, I don't see anyone."

"I say we make a run for it." Monty spoke up while looking out into the woods through the windshield. The woods did look calm, too calm for any situation.

"No. That's what they want us to do."

"The boy is right. They can wait longer than we can." Indra added while Tyra nodded in agreement, both wanting to get out of the cramped vehicle that was beginning to smell after Loukas endeavour.

"Okay, Bellamy. Get in the turret, and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we'll cover you." Tyra kicked Loukas in the ribs, him immediately shooting up while gripping the sword by his back.

"We're leaving. Get ready." Loukas rubbed at his eyes, staining his hand black with the war paint from the straight line he had running over one of his eyes.

"Copy that. Run fast," Bellamy grabbed one of the guns and pushed the hatchet open with a cautious arm. Tyra watching his every move while he began to stand up, the knife clutched by her side, even when Bellamy sent her a brief smile and raised himself over the hatchet.

She didn't hear a single gunshot from above, but she did see Bellamy's breathing pattern suddenly change, his feet rising until he was standing on the tip of his toes.

"They're here."

"Everybody out, or the boy dies." Everyone looked at each other wearily while the three Trikru warriors began to pull their swords out.

Only, apparently, they had taken too long in agreeing to the request because the next thing they knew, Bellamy was being pulled out of the rover. Tyra sprang forward to try to follow him, but Loukas held his arm outward to stop her.

"Okay! Okay. We're coming out. Don't hurt him." Marcus and Monty dropped their guns on the floor, giving the remaining three a hard look until they too left their swords leaning against the seats, allowing Marcus to open the door.

Immediately, a variety of hands sprang inside, the owners all pulling them out and throwing them onto the ground while holding their knees over their backs and securing their hands.

Only Loukas kept struggling and fighting, squirming around like a slimy worm under the covered person's knee.

Tyra didn't recognize the outfits, they weren't typical from any of the clans, or even Skaikru. But she couldn't think of any other settlement who would wear such skull-like masks in Azgeda territory.

"All targets secure." Tyra was unable to see what was happening behind her, all she managed to see was the dirt her face kept being pressed into by some hand at the back of her head, and also her brother by her side kicking and screaming like a child trying to get out of their chores.

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