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Hakeldama (5,1)

Seeing that Lexa already had the plan to deliver the body of Nia to Skakiru as a peace offering, Tyra did end up staying the night Polis. Riding out towards Trikru first thing in the morning, acting as a guard for both Clarke and Lexa while she rode between the two. But by the secret smiles they sent each other across the entire trip, it felt more like third-wheeling to Tyra.

"Thinking about home?" Clarke sighed heavily, her eyes looking straight past the multiple warriors guarding them to stare straight ahead at the mountains while they rode all together.

"Thinking about whether Arkadia is home. When I left, it had a different name. I was different."

"You left a hero to your people, and you return one. The Mountain Slayer returns with the body of the Ice Queen. You bring them justice." Clarke smiled sarcastically at Lexa, both her and Tyra knew perfectly well Skaikru's actions against murder weren't the same as the other clans', but hopefully Nia's body would appease their temper.

"You bring them justice."

"We bring them peace." Clarke and Lexa gave each other another secretive smile, though Tyra could still sense the tension Clarke carried behind the benign gesture.

"Don't worry, Clarke. We may not always know where or who our homes are, but we always tend to drift back to them."

"You would know all about that, would you not, Tyra?" She sensed the implication behind Lexa's tone without even having to see her mischievous smirk.

Tyra was lucky enough that the other warriors were decently away from them for them to have their near private conversation. Otherwise, Tyra would've been terribly embarrassed by Lexa's words, and she wouldn't have been able to lightly shove Lexa's shoulder in retaliation for her comment.

"Shut up, Lexa."

"What do you mean?" Lexa shrugged innocently, more than happy to talk about the object of Tyra's affection. An action she had missed out on for practically seventeen years of them knowing each other.

"Tyra and her brand-new lover. The freckled man with the pretty eyes and dark hair."

If Tyra wasn't so accustomed to perfectly managing her emotions and physical reactions to them, she would've both blushed and pushed Lexa off her horse because she was near positive Clarke would perfectly recognize who they were talking about.

"Bellamy? He finally asked you out?" Tyra shrugged, being unable to stop the slight smile that grazed her lips, which she immediately ducked her head to hide. But she hadn't been fast enough for Clarke to not spot it.

"Congratulations. You already made a cute couple before, can't imagine what you're like now." Tyra pressed her lips together, attempting to stop a grin to form across her face. A recurring situation every time Bellamy and her came up into a topic of conversation.

"Speaking of, do you think you can help me sneak inside your camp? I want to give Bellamy a surprise." Clarke gave Tyra a once over from head to toe, a matching smirk to Lexa's forming on her lips.

"As long as I don't have to be present for when he gets the surprise, sure." The three shared a look before they all burst into near silent laughter, all perfectly guessing Tyra's intention of a surprise. In fact, that laughter had been the first time Clarke had seen Tyra even show a hint of a smile, maybe the two had hopes of becoming friends yet.

But if only Tyra had known what Loukas was going through, she wouldn't have grinned and laughed as much as she had.

If she had known that as they happily strode to Skaikru with a happy jump to their horses' steps while they carried Nia's body as a peace offering. Loukas was watching how the entire army Indra, Tyra, and Lexa had entrusted him was slaughtered around him.

Rook {B.B} (3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin