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Ye Who Enter Here (3,4)

Once they had made it back to the main building in Polis, Lexa immediately broke off from Tyra's side after someone sent message that Clarke asked for her, specifically requesting for Tyra to leave her to go meet Clarke alone. And with people surrounding them, Tyra had no way to outwardly disagree, instead she asked for Loukas' room to begin and get ready for the summit at sundown.

"Settling in already?"

The entire room that at some point was no doubt clean and in near perfect conditions now had clothes strewn all over the floor, the sheets of the bed were all tussled up, and knives were stuck in every kind of furniture while Loukas stood in the centre of his hurricane of chaos, tossing a knife in between his hands.

"Very much so," Loukas threw the knife toward Tyra, her shoulders rising to her earlobes as she tensed before the knife reached its target, the door frame next to her. His aim had been improving.

"I was invited to the summit." Tyra retrieved his knife, throwing it straight at the bedpost right by Loukas' face.

"Good. That way, you won't be sulking in here. Or destroy any more furniture."

"Is that why you're here? To make sure I don't destroy furniture?" Tyra shrugged, flipping down sideways on Loukas' bed while staring up at the ceiling above.

"Couldn't I have just come to spend some quality time with my recently revived older brother?" The bed creaked as Loukas plopped next to Tyra, both now side by side as their legs hung over the edge.

"No." Tyra sighed.

"Lexa was busy, and I was bored."

"That sounds more likely."  Tyra turned on the mattress, so she'd face Loukas, even if he was still looking up at the cloth covered ceiling.

"Can you do my braids?"

"You do realize I'm as bad at braiding hair as you are?" Tyra shrugged, suddenly springing up as she tried pulling Loukas upwards as well.

The only problem was that Loukas weighed as much as an invalid horse, and trying to move him was practically impossible if he didn't want to cooperate with standing up.

"I don't care. I can't do it myself, and Lexa is busy. Please, Loukas." He sighed, just like all his other brothers, Tyra was all of their weaknesses, especially when she gave any of them that innocent look only she seemed to know how to do.

So, just like Tyra wanted it to happen, Loukas ended up braiding her hair. They weren't evenly made as he attempted at braiding strands into a tight knot atop her head, leaving the two she had already done to frame her face, some were bigger and had hairs sticking all across the bun, and the ones that were small were barely visible. But Tyra didn't complain, so Loukas didn't point it out.

Her attire had also been sent to his room, while Tyra helped him apply the straight line of war paint over his eye, trying to pick out his least dirt stained outfit strewn somewhere on the floor.

Tyra's dress for once wasn't as black as her blood, that privilege had to be left to their Commander to be the one to wear fully black. Instead, her dress was red, something Lexa had sent to be made specifically to her measurements, even if it was made of mostly loose red fabric, to symbolize the red blood she was pretending to have.

She was indulged however with a fully black corset that Loukas had a little too much fun squeezing her organs out with while he tightened it. Only further displaying the looseness of the dangling fabric above her shoulders and under her waist.

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