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Hakeldama (5,3)

After Tyra managed to finally control her sobs, her and Lexa returned to their tent. Loukas' eyes were finally open, his limbs still too heavy to properly move with all the pain he was enduring, but seeing his sister alive and alright did help slightly with his ever-growing discomfort.

"Tyra." She could've broken down into tears once more, though she doubted she still had any left. So, she only let a pained smile peek, holding Loukas close by his good shoulder while he wrapped that same arm across her shoulders.

"Stop scaring me with dying. I hate it when you do that." Loukas chuckled, pulling back from their awkward hug to ruffle Tyra's already messy hair that earned him a slap to the wrist.

"I like to keep you alert," He then focused on her pink rimmed eyes and nose, her quickly wiping at both to try to rid them of the irritation, as if it'd help at that level.

"I'll kill him. He only had one job, to not hurt you, and look what he did." Tyra sat by Loukas' side, leaning her head on his uninjured shoulder while the two stared at the flapping entrance of the tent.

"You'll hurt me more by killing him." Loukas scoffed, eyes dropping for a brief second with the exhaustion that came along with a healing body before he awoke properly once more.

"How can you still love him?"

"I don't know... I wish I didn't."

"The bleeding's stopped," Clarke unknowingly stopped the conversation between the brooding siblings by her side as she looked Indra over.

"We need to get you something for the pain," Before Clarke could follow on her own orders, the tent's entrance flapped open, a person Tyra had not seen in a while walking inside. Octavia.

"Octavia?" Her eyes scanned over the tent before running to Tyra's side, clasping her arm in greeting.

"I'm glad you're okay," Tyra nodded in greeting before Octavia went to greet Loukas as well in the same form, Loukas shooting her a half-dropped smile.

"Loukas. How are you feeling?"

"Great. Your brother is a lousy shot." Octavia attempted at faking a laugh, but Tyra could tell the difference. She didn't agree with Bellamy's actions, no more than Tyra did.

"Where's Kane?"

"He sent me. Indra. Thank God." Octavia finally catching on Indra's also wounded position, ran to her side, holding her hand tightly in support, which Indra didn't retract.

The two had a bond that every warrior should have with their second, one of protection and pride coming from both sides. Tyra had always envied such bonds, after all, she had never had the privilege of being anyone's second. Though she did suppose she had to take pride in her abilities that carried her to the top of the food chain even without any professional tutelage under anyone's wing.

"How did this happen?" Lexa cut straight to the point, also wanting to avoid war at all costs. But Skaikru was definitely testing her limits as to how generous she was.

"Kane lost the election to Pike. Everything's different."

"Your people voted for this?" While Octavia hung her head in shame at her people's actions, Clarke jumped defiantly to her feet.

Clarke defended her people until the very end, even when such an atrocious action as placing Pike in a position of power. It reminded Tyra of Bellamy and his defensive side, her heart immediately ached with the simple memory.

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