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Fallen (10,1)

Octavia didn't utter a word on the way back, carrying a blank face that used to replicate Tyra's own. Not even her footsteps gave anything away about her feelings, she was internalizing them all. And Tyra feared for whoever would be at the receiving end of such pent-up emotions.

As she entered the cave they had chained Bellamy at, Tyra couldn't help but notice how he was completely alone, Indra nowhere in sight. She had probably gone to greet the new Commander, unlike Loukas and Tyra, who did stay behind to see the job done.

Tyra would go and congratulate whichever one of Lexa's noviciates managed to come on top once Pike's head and body were mangled so much not even his best of friends could recognize.

Because if Pike hadn't started the third war with Skaikru, they would've been part of the coalition and Lexa would've never had been even more influenced by Clarke to the point where it angered Titus enough to grab a gun and attempt to shoot Clarke, only to miss. Overall, it was all Pike's fault.

"Where's Lincoln?" 

"Pike put a bullet in his brain." Octavia spoke for the first time since his death, taking her jacket off while she threw her holstered sword atop of it on the rocky cave.

"O... O. I am so sorry." Before anyone could blink, Octavia sent her fist flying towards Bellamy's face. Not even giving him a break to breathe before she sent two other rapid punches directed at his cheeks, his skin beginning to break with the force she had applied.

"Octavia, that's enough."

"Kane, stay out of this." Bellamy growled back as Octavia punched him in the face again, then in the gut, Bellamy keeling over until he was face down against the floor. But Octavia wasn't done with him yet.

She yanked him upwards by the hair, bringing his face up enough for her to knee him in it, letting him drop once more to hit him twice again. By that point, Bellamy's entire face was covered in blood, his mouth spilling out red along with the various cuts on his face.

"That's enough." Miller tried pulling Octavia away, but she pushed him with such force it sent him stumbling backward.

"Get out!"

"Miller, back up." Octavia sent one more fist into Bellamy's face, his blood coating the side of the cave as he spat out with the force.

Tyra looked away, she couldn't watch Bellamy be beat up further, it was beginning to hurt her as well. Instead, she opted for watching the entrance with her brother by her side, trying to ignore the sound of Octavia's sobs as she kept beating Bellamy, whose pained grunts seemed to perfectly resonate in Tyra's ears.

Until finally, the agonizing sounds stopped. Only the panting of Octavia remained before she spoke the words no one wanted to ever hear. "You're dead to me."

Suddenly, Loukas walked away from Tyra towards the inside of the cave, not even giving her a chance to ask what he was about to do, forcing her to fully turn around to see what his plans were.

Octavia was now in the corner of the cave, glaring daggers at a bleeding Bellamy, while Loukas approached him. But unlike what he probably expected was to help him, Loukas yanked Bellamy upwards by the jacket and sent a punch to his gut.

"Loukas." He ignored Tyra, sending one last fist towards Bellamy's face that had his head lolling to the side, his vision blurring. After all, Loukas' punches were significantly stronger than Octavia's.

Loukas let Bellamy drop to the ground, coughing up blood once more, before he grabbed him by the roots of his hair, holding him up so they were face to face.

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