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Watch The Thrones (4,1)

Tyra couldn't sleep that night, only hearing Loukas' loud snores even after the fire had long since consumed itself. She had ended up nearly tossing the corset in the fire after arriving back at her home, bundling herself up in her bed sheets as she attempted to keep some of the fire's warmth.

From the second she left Polis Tyra had sensed something would happen, either with Lexa or Skaikru, she didn't know. All she knew is that there was a bad feeling settling into her stomach, and it wasn't poison or food intoxication.

So, Tyra laid awake staring at the ceiling while she unwrapped her extra braids from her head, watching how her arms filled with goosebumps as chilled breezes past their broken windows and caved in roof.

In fact, she was still awake when a loud pounding landed against their door, the wooden contraption immediately keeling over and crashing against the ground with such a resonating echo it woke Loukas with a start, both siblings taking their swords out and pointing them at the new intruder.

"You need to get the door fixed..." The siblings relaxed as they spotted Indra slowly walking across the dust filled ground the two had yet to clean. Her stopping right under a particularly large hole up her head. "And your roof...And everything."

"It's a work in progress." Indra punched her fist against the side of a wall, her fist passing straight through.

"It's a death trap." The two redheads looked at each other for a brief moment before shrugging, both rising to their feet as Loukas rubbed at his eyes with his knuckles.

"Any reason for this visit, Indra?"

"Heda commanded me to gather an army to watch over Skaikru. I supposed you would both be interested." Loukas strapped his sword over his chest, Tyra replicating his actions but with her sword at her waist instead. It seemed answer enough, but just to confirm they did speak out loud.

"Count me in."

"Me too." Indra nodded while picking out small, near invisible, splinters out from her knuckles from punching the wall in.

"There's three hundred of us gathered outside the wall. I will see you there."

The siblings nodded one final time before Indra left their house, Tyra watching from their poorly covered window how she disappeared between the flowers and ever-growing ivy growing over their surrounding trees.

"Can you cover for me with Indra?" Loukas stopped dressing himself, pausing right before he got to insert the hole of his shirt over his head.

"Why? Where are you going?" Tyra jumped over a fallen piece of roof, watching as the sun hit her right from above, the shadows of the tree branches wafting over her face as she basked in the warmth.

"There will be a memorial for the people killed at the Mountain inside Skaikru's camp."

"Where you close to anyone inside?" Tyra shook her head, going back to her original position of watching their garden from the small window.

"No, but Bellamy was. They are his people, and he will surely be blaming himself right now for his deaths." 

Loukas wasn't close with Bellamy, not by a landslide. He knew him so little that Loukas couldn't properly say if he liked or disliked Bellamy. But he could sympathize with blaming yourself for deaths that aren't necessarily yours to carry, he did that every morning.

The only difference was that Loukas' deaths were his to bear, even if he wasn't in his right mind when doing the killings.

"I'll cover for you. But try not to take too long."

Rook {B.B} (3)Where stories live. Discover now