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Join Or Die (13,2)

Long after the sun had set, Bellamy was still standing by the shore. Staring out into the distance, while Clarke and Tyra kept worriedly glancing towards him.

"I'll go," Tyra threw the last of her thyme branch into the fire, watching it turn the fire bright green before she calmly strolled to Bellamy side.

Tyra grabbed one of the rocks by their feet and flicked it into the the sea, watching how it skipped along the water before it fully sank into its depths.

"Do you want to try?" Bellamy looked down at Tyra's outstretched hand with two matching pebbles, but he ended up looking back towards the dark waters rather than grabbing the pebble.

But Tyra didn't mind, rather taking both pebbles and skipping them along the lake's surface while she let Bellamy simmer in silence.

"Why are you even being nice to me? A few weeks ago you wanted to kill me."

"I'm trying to change. Before I would've killed for less, like I did with Finn. But now, I don't want to kill for nothing. And much less when you've already begun to realize your mistake," Bellamy sighed watching Octavia by the glowing fire over Tyra's head.

"Give her time, she's grieving."

"You forgave Loukas for killing your dad." Tyra nodded, playing with a pebble as she tossed it between her hands.

"I did. But he died years ago, I've had time to grow used to his loss and grieve. Octavia lost Lincoln less than a month ago. She needs time," Bellamy still didn't look happy with Tyra's answer, rather staring out to the water than acknowledge that maybe she was right.

"You can't seek what you won't give yourself, Bellamy."

"Is this more of your 'forgive yourself first' talk?"

"Yes," Bellamy sighed once more, running a hand over his hair while he still refused to look at Tyra next to him. The sight of her only reminded him of everything he had done wrong just to push her away.

Until he saw Tyra's hand peak into his eyesight, holding a pebble once more. A perfect pebble to skip along the surface of the water.

"Try it. It'll make you feel better," Willing to try almost anything to help, Bellamy grabbed the pebble and threw it into the lake. It plopped straight down without skipping even once.

"The trick is in the wrist, try again," Bellamy grabbed another pebble from where they stood, flicking it with his wrist. And like Tyra had said, it did skip along the water twice. Not nearly as many times as Tyra's did, but it was a start.

"Good start. It all takes time and patience." Bellamy gave a chuckle that only then Tyra noticed he was nearly crying while glancing between her and Octavia.

"I hate your analogies."

"No you don't." Bellamy wiped at the corner of his eye, catching the tears before they fell.

"No, you're right I don't. I've missed them actually." Tyra chuckled, a sound that was even better than music to Bellamy's ears. A sound he'd wish would play on repeat for days at a time.

"I've missed your mythology talks as well." Tyra hadn't noticed either, but she was beginning to get teary eyed. It was the first proper conversation she had had with Bellamy in ages where they hadn't been interrupted by something or there was only anger involved.

"Can I hug you?" Tyra didn't reply verbally, instead wrapping her arms directly across Bellamy's shoulders, pulling him in close while he held on to her waist as if his life depended on her.

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