"Your what?" The man's deep, voice makes Mercury flinch a little as she looks up

"Um nobody," Mercury laughs nervously, turning her head a little to side-eye the man.

"If you have someone else with you, you need to tell me were you the people that have been following me for the last few days?" He snaps, gritting his teeth, as he grabs Mercury by her bicep. squeezing a little too hard, making Mercury wince in pain and grab the hand that was squeezing her.

" what? No! I don't know what you're talking about we haven't been following anyone," Mercury says in a shaky voice, lips quivering.

"Then why are you lying, saying you didn't have anyone with you?" The man asks the girl to loosen her grip when he realizes he is hurting her.

"Cause wouldn't you lie if a random man came out of nowhere asking if you had someone with you?" Mercury says in a duh tone, calming herself down a little when she feels the man loosen his grip and his body becoming less tense at what she says.

The man stares at Mercury's face for a moment, making sure she wasn't lying. After a while, he releases her arm and steps back, turning around, but stops feeling a small hand grab at his forearm.

"Wait, please. I can't walk on my own. Can you please help me?" Mercury says she's putting on her best puppy eyes, trying to woo the man into helping her.

The man looks down at his arm where she is grabbing him and looks back up at her with a raised brow.

Mercury quickly gets the message and lets go of his arm straightening back up and placing her left leg on the ground without putting any weight on it.

"Not my problem, kid." The man says he is about to turn around and walk again but is stopped when he feels something hit his back and small arms wrapping around his waist, making him sign and throw his head back.

" please please please sir! I'm just an 11-year-old little girl I can't treat this injury, and I don't know my way back to my big sister. You wouldn't leave an innocent child alone on their own in this scary world, would you?" She says it hurriedly, but changes her tone to a pouty one at the end of her rant  trying to convince the man to help her.

The man takes the girl's wrist and removes them from his waist. He turns around, grabbing her by her arms, bending down until he is eye level with her. He was about to yell at her to go the fuck away, but he took his time to scan the little girl's face, seeing the genuinely scared look in her eyes, along with the tears that have wet her face, mixing in with the blood from her nose that is also all over her mouth and smeared her cheeks. Her hair is a tangled mess with leaves and dirt in it. He looks down, seeing that she is obviously not putting weight on her left leg because her ankle is messed up.

jungkook signs placing his head down, he stands back up, throwing his head back while cursing under his breath.

He looks back down at the girl, seeing she had a hopeful expression on her face, making him kiss his teeth and turn around, squatting down to her level again.

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